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[城市点评] 珀斯在衰退吗?

发表于 16-9-2014 23:24:08 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 深海2010 于 16-9-2014 22:32 编辑
eagerbeaver 发表于 16-9-2014 15:47
不光是价格的问题。钢厂设计高炉时需要考虑铁矿石品味的。中国钢厂很多都是引用宝钢模式,宝钢是引进日本 ...



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发表于 16-9-2014 23:33:07 | 只看该作者
深海2010 发表于 16-9-2014 20:24


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发表于 16-9-2014 23:39:54 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 深海2010 于 16-9-2014 22:57 编辑
lowprofile 发表于 16-9-2014 22:33

我不是学冶炼的,但是本科时代在宝钢和武钢都实习过几个月。见过不少轧钢中厚板 薄板 生产线和 各类高炉 电炉。
  说实话  我没听说过 高炉按照某国矿生产,求解惑。93年时,宝钢的轧钢薄板厂 当时厂房都是盖着瓦楞薄板,那个时代宝钢解决了国内洗衣机等板材问题,三百多亿外汇(人民币还是美元记不清了,好像是人民币) 在80年代外汇紧缺的时候,是个大手笔。那是宝钢的优势主要就是薄板。其他的,别的钢厂也能生产。国内后来主要是发展连扎技术。  也不清楚80和90年代初年代,中国进口多少澳洲矿(那会中国应该没很多外汇进口铁矿)。因为那些日本生产线主要是80年代建成的。我记忆里,那个项目里薄板连扎是主要的东西,重点不是高炉,也许记忆有误。

朦胧的记忆 专业科里有点炼钢内容,主要是配方 温度控制的影响,真的没听说过还有澳洲矿口味的说法,那个年代很多钢厂也用国内矿。

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发表于 17-9-2014 00:04:56 | 只看该作者
深海2010 发表于 16-9-2014 20:39
我不是学冶炼的,但是本科时代在宝钢和武钢都实习过几个月。见过不少轧钢中厚板 薄板 生产线和 各类高 ...


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发表于 17-9-2014 00:09:35 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 深海2010 于 16-9-2014 23:19 编辑
lowprofile 发表于 16-9-2014 23:04

矿 肯定有 铁含量的差别,但没听说过高炉须用某种铁矿。 就铁含量而言有 贫铁矿和富铁矿。如果对矿砂的含铁比例有要求,完全可以自行调配。很难相信必须要某种铁矿。富矿并不是只有澳洲有。 谁家买口炒菜的锅,只能炒澳洲产白菜呢? 如果是特种钢,主要要求是去杂质和 金属熔化后的成分添加和 结晶过程的把握。 和铁矿石是什么产地完全无关。
  日韩 为了本国的环保,大量进口中国的粗钢,进行二次冶炼加工。

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发表于 17-9-2014 00:45:49 来自手机 | 只看该作者

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发表于 17-9-2014 00:49:21 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 深海2010 于 16-9-2014 23:56 编辑
retirement 发表于 16-9-2014 23:45
别的不知道,反正我现在这个码头出的矿含量就不一样,主力是58的hiyf和57的rrl以及rrf,别的有但不多,除了铁含 ...


如果纠结于具体成分,澳洲自己各种矿业公司产的铁矿,就不少于10个品种。 中国的高炉伺候那个品种?

如果论铁含量,巴西的最高 澳洲其次(出口中国的多为58%左右的),印度的在45-63%不等

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发表于 17-9-2014 21:03:02 来自手机 | 只看该作者
lowprofile 发表于 15-9-2014 23:08
你说的里面还是外面shopping centre区域?Canningvale现在是华人和印度人热捧的区。。。


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发表于 17-9-2014 21:35:01 | 只看该作者
pipiba 发表于 17-9-2014 18:03


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发表于 18-9-2014 15:25:04 来自手机 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 18-9-2014 16:23:10 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 8080 于 18-9-2014 15:42 编辑

Unit 空置率高,平均租金下降,从两年前就是公开的秘密了。
随着一部分人买自住房,矿业热潮消退而导致在珀斯的矿公司工作人员减少,及一些合同的到期,估计以上趋势还会持续一段时间。估计这也是Karratha,Port Hedland平均房价现在掉落大约30万的原因。


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
深海2010 + 50 谢谢分享!



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发表于 18-9-2014 16:55:07 | 只看该作者
果脯 发表于 18-9-2014 14:25


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 楼主| 发表于 18-9-2014 17:39:43 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 8080 于 18-9-2014 16:41 编辑



参与人数 1威望 +30 收起 理由
bluceyu + 30 是的,减少的很多



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发表于 18-9-2014 22:37:40 | 只看该作者
xiaohu 发表于 18-9-2014 15:55
这么夸张?果脯你现在不住UWA那边了吗?我现在就盼着它经济不要那么火,好让我来的时候容易租房子。我可 ...


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发表于 18-9-2014 22:45:38 | 只看该作者


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发表于 21-9-2014 19:24:15 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 platinum 于 1-6-2015 11:44 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 23-9-2014 18:22:55 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 8080 于 23-9-2014 17:25 编辑
8080 发表于 7-9-2014 09:59

上周好像铁矿石掉到大 ...

铁矿石掉到80以下/Per Ton

From:   http://www.smh.com.au/business/m ... 0140923-10kqaw.html

'Everyone is nervous about the iron ore price', admits Vale

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/business/m ... .html#ixzz3E7Zjqj2f

Brazilian mining giant Vale has admitted it is nervous about the plunge in iron ore prices below $US80 a tonne as the Chinese government dampens hopes of aggressive policy stimulus to fuel growth.

The benchmark iron ore price for immediate delivery at the port of Tianjin in China slid 2.3 per cent to $US79.80 a tonne on Monday, the lowest price since September 17, 2009, following a 1.6 per cent fall to $US81.70 on Friday.

The sharp falls came after a short-lived rally last week that led the commodity's price higher to more than $US85 a tonne.

Vale's director of strategic planning Stephen Potter said it was always a challenge for large mining companies to work out their exposure to commodities, given structural shifts in powerful economies like China.

"Everyone is nervous about the iron ore price at the moment; are we shifting from heavy industrial (phase) to a consumer-led industrial (phase) in some classical economics professor's views on development, and does that mean China is going to be using less iron ore? Well these are always the challenges for a mining company to decide which commodities it needs to invest in," Mr Potter told a mining conference in Melbourne on Tuesday.

China will not be making any major policy adjustments due to a change in one economic indicator, Finance Minister Lou Jiwei said on Sunday.

The Chinese government is attempting some monetary stimulus; last week it cut the rate for short-term borrowing costs for banks by 20 basis points to 3.5 per cent.

Fortescue expected tough conditions

Fortescue Metals Group chief executive Nev Power said his company was continuing to reduce its cost structure and would exit 2014 as an even cheaper producer of iron ore than now.

When asked if low iron ore prices would force Fortescue to slow the pace of its debt repayments, Mr Power said the company had always expected to encounter tough conditions like this.

"We made those [debt repayment] forecasts on the basis of an iron ore price at around about $US90 per tonne," he said.

Fortescue has vowed to pay down another $US2 billion or $US2.5 billion over the next 18 months to two years, and Mr Power said on Tuesday that this financial year should see repayments of between $US1 billion to $US1.5 billion.

"We've paid $US500 million off, we expect another $US500 to a $US1 billion during this financial year, again it depends where the iron ore price goes but I think we are on track to do that," he said.

Fortescue considered selling a stake in its rail and port assets and did sell a power station during the iron ore price slump of 2012, but Mr Power indicated he was not likely to repeat those tactics any time soon.

"We review that constantly, we are always looking at those opportunities but they need to make sense for us and be on the right terms.

"We don't see any major asset sales on the agenda at this stage, certainly not (rail and port)," he said.

Mr Power said he did not expect to undertake any major round of job cuts, but noted that head-counts within mining companies were constantly changing depending on which areas were being mined.

"We have the ability to respond by reducing capex and continuing to reduce our costs and as you know our production is running ahead of where we were," he said.

Fortescue has moved down the global cost curve in recent years on the back of its new low cost Solomon development, which has taken its export capacity from 55 million tonnes per year to 155 million tonnes.

"Today we sit at number three on the global cost curve on a delivered cost to China," he said.

Mr Power also said Fortescue was delivering iron ore to China at below $US50 per tonne, but that comment, and the one about being the world's third cheapest producer, are likely to exclude corporate costs like interest.

Most analysts believe Fortescue has a break-even level closer to $US71 per tonne, once those corporate costs are taken into account.

Vale at disadvantage

Vale has traditionally sold iron ore to China at a disadvantage because it is further away from China compared to its Australian rivals.

But the Brazillian giant has recently struck a deal with a Chinese shipping company to allow extra large ships to carry its iron ore into Chinese ports under a plan that should cut unit costs through economies of scale and the use of modern, cleaner, more efficient technology.

Mr Potter said the new ships, known as Valemax, would cut Vale's production costs and were 35 per cent less carbon intensive than the cape-sized vessels traditionally used in the bulk commodity industry

"Our new generation of large ships are very important, it is probably our biggest opportunity to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in our value chain," he said.

"We do it for money as well, they are much more competitive. Brazil faces a desperate disadvantage compared to Australia being on the other side of the world from China."

Mr Potter said Vale was hoping to further improve the fleet by changing the fuel mix.

"We hope to take it further, we are hoping to convert our vessels to LNG," he said.

China growth

Andrew Michelmore is the Australian boss of Chinese miner MMG, and said the Middle Kingdom was focused on cleaning up several aspects of its growth before resuming its focus on progression.

"There's a big clean out of stuff going on at the moment. At the political level Xi Jinping  is cleaning up the corruption side of it and that means people are hesitant about making decisions," he said.

"He is also driving down the bubble on private housing which everyone knows about.

"This is taking longer than he thought it would and it creates uncertainty and therefore the projections of growth are lower but it will actually come out with a more solid base to then grow."

Mr Michelmore said the Australian dollar was over-valued and a lot of foreign money would exit if it fell significantly.

Mr Michelmore said China would resume consumption of commodities over time and provide a strong market for copper and other minerals.

The copper price in particular should rebound in the second half of 2015.

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发表于 23-9-2014 19:42:06 | 只看该作者
8080 发表于 18-9-2014 15:23
Unit 空置率高,平均租金下降,从两年前就是公开的秘密了。
house的平均租金下降,空置率上升,也是不争的 ...


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 楼主| 发表于 23-9-2014 22:31:21 | 只看该作者

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发表于 23-9-2014 22:42:55 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 25-9-2014 12:43:30 | 只看该作者
From:  http://www.acnw.com.au/australia ... se-prices-will-fall






澳洲储行行长史蒂文斯(Glenn Stevens)上个月指出,央行在降低利率方面已经无能为力了。


不过,储行指出,澳洲房产投资者与自住房业主一样,在还贷方面都值得信任,而且借贷标准也比全球金融危机之前更严厉。饶是如此,储行仍表示将设法“提升借贷机构的风险管理措施”,包括与澳洲审慎管理局和金融监管机构委员会(Council of Financial Regulators)成员讨论可采用的方法,以“巩固有效的借贷措施,尤其是针对投资者的信贷”。

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 楼主| 发表于 25-9-2014 12:47:27 | 只看该作者
madrista 发表于 23-9-2014 21:42

From:   http://www.mofcom.gov.cn/article ... 0140900742994.shtml

【大 中 小】【 打印】
文章来源:驻悉尼总领馆经商室  2014-09-25 09:21  文章类型:摘编 内容分类:新闻 据《澳大利亚人报》9月24日报道,必和必拓(BHP Billiton)煤炭部门总裁巴列(Dean Dalla Valle)警告称,未来这个挣扎中的产业会出现更多变化。与此同时,该公司计划辞退昆士兰州运营处的700名员工。

必和必拓三菱联合公司(BHP Billiton Mitsubishi Alliance)周二(9月23日)宣布已告知员工,此次在昆州中部多个矿场开展的裁员行动将能削减成本,并使公司在长期内存活下去。

报道称,该公司在鲍文盆地(Bowen Basin)运营着7个矿场。巴列指出,此次裁员是个艰难的决定,但充满挑战的市场环境还会继续下去。他说:“我们将继续改善公司,以确保在全球的竞争力。公司会做该做的事,并继续尽最大努力咨询意见。这是一个痛苦的过渡时期,毫无疑问,未来一年至一年半时间内,我们会目睹行业发生更多变化,包括澳大利亚及其它地区。”



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 楼主| 发表于 25-9-2014 13:11:30 | 只看该作者
https://au.news.yahoo.com/thewes ... or-iron-ore-miners/

Dark day for iron ore miners

Low iron ore prices have begun to bite at WA's mine sites, with Atlas Iron and Cliffs Natural Resources both understood to have stood down workers this week as part of cost-saving drives.

The retrenchments came on a dark day for resources, with Australia's chief commodity forecaster declaring the days of triple-figure iron ore prices were over and the Chinese owners of the $3 billion Extension Hill magnetite project putting the play on ice.

Atlas would not comment on redundancies made at its Pilbara operations this week but sources close to the company confirmed about 75 workers, including contractors, were retrenched.

Unconfirmed reports indicate mining contractor BGC has in recent weeks also shed part of its 950-strong workforce at Cliffs' Koolyanobbing operation.

Cliffs' US head office was contacted. BGC Contracting chief executive Greg Heylen is understood to be travelling and was not available for comment.

The Mid West's iron industry also took a blow yesterday when Asia Iron shelved Extension Hill because of an "elevated level of caution" in China over financing overseas investments, particularly iron ore projects.

The company said its backers, led by majority owner Chongqing Iron and Steel, remained committed to the project in the long term.

Yesterday's news came as the Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics used its quarterly update to cut forecast prices.

Only three months ago the bureau was forecasting iron ore to average $US105.20 a tonne through 2014 before edging down to $US96.50/t in 2015.

The bureau yesterday said iron ore would average $US93.60/t this year before rising slightly to $US94.30/t next year.

Over the next five years it expects iron ore to average between $US90/t and $US95/t.

This year's forecast spot price is well short of the current price, which edged down overnight to a fresh five-year low of $US79.40/t.

BREE analysts noted that there was little chance of a bounce back in prices.

"In Australia alone over 200 million tonnes of new capacity has started production in the past 12 months," BREE stated.

"The increased availability of supply has altered the market dynamic and as the risk of having to pay higher prices . . . has not abated, Chinese buyers do not appear to be stocking up on iron ore as they previously did. Prices are expected to rebound from the current low levels but remain well below the high prices seen in previous years due to the supply overhang that is prevailing."

'Iron ore prices (will) remain well below the high prices seen in previous years due to the supply overhang.'" Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics

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 楼主| 发表于 25-9-2014 14:15:27 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 8080 于 25-9-2014 13:26 编辑


个人更倾向于高盛的预计:既未来的12到24个月绝大的可能是铁矿石平均价格会低于80美金每吨的. (当然,他们的策略可能是温水煮青蛙,以免太烫造成恐慌,给青蛙跳走了)

刚刚新闻里好象说:2013/2014澳大利亚政府的财政最终赤字是485亿澳币. 大家提前做好多做贡献,小享受或不享受福利的准备.


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发表于 27-9-2014 14:41:30 | 只看该作者
上面说的矿石品质对已有炉子的要求我上网看了一下  确实是有的,不过好像没说高了怎么样,主要说如果品味低了不行

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 楼主| 发表于 5-10-2014 04:34:29 | 只看该作者

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发表于 5-10-2014 19:38:15 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 circleyue 于 6-10-2014 11:19 编辑
8080 发表于 25-9-2014 14:15

个人更倾向于高盛的预计:既未来的12到24个月绝大的可 ...


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发表于 6-10-2014 10:12:20 | 只看该作者
circleyue 发表于 5-10-2014 16:38
BHP和RIO要把小矿全砸死,叫国内的钢厂全关门,所以矿石价格可能会继续跌。这样加大他们的市场份额/控制 ...




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发表于 6-10-2014 11:06:32 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 6-10-2014 17:36:06 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 8080 于 6-10-2014 17:41 编辑

From: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014- ... n-ore-costs/5792388

BHP Billiton to cut costs of Australian iron ore operations
By resources reporter Sue Lannin
Updated 6 Oct 2014, 2:29pmMon 6 Oct 2014, 2:29pm

Photo: BHP will cut costs associated with its Australian iron ore operations. (AAP: BHP Billiton) Related Story: Hundreds of Qld mining jobs to be axedRelated Story: BHP Billiton cuts iron ore jobs in Port HedlandRelated Story: Australia undermining global iron ore pricesMap: WA
BHP Billiton has raised the stakes in the ongoing war of attrition in global iron ore with a plan to slash costs and lift production.

The world's biggest miner is going head to head with arch rival Rio Tinto for global domination that in recent months has seen prices plummet, threatening to send smaller, higher cost suppliers to the wall.

BHP Billiton Iron Ore president Jimmy Wilson this morning announced the company planned to add a further 65 million tonnes of annual production to an already flooded market, with ambitions to become the lowest cost producer.

"Our confidence [in] this approach will enable us to drive unit costs, including freight and royalties, below $US20 a tonne in the medium term," he told an analyst briefing this morning.

"And our aim is to become the lowest all-in cash cost supplier of iron ore to China."

Rio Tinto holds the dominant position in the industry. It is the biggest and cheapest iron ore supplier.

Now producing about 290 million tonnes per annum, Rio is expanding its output to a projected 360 million tonnes.

But BHP is on its heels.

"Our plans are to grow our supply chain capacity by 65 million tonnes to 290 million tonnes per annum at an exceptionally competitive capital cost of approximately $US30 per annual tonne," Mr Wilson said.

Fortescue, the third biggest Australian producer, is also ramping up production, aiming to lift its output to 170 million tonnes from current levels of 155 million tonnes.

Gina Rinehart's new Hope Downs mine will add further supplies into an already oversupplied market. It should be producing 55 million tonnes by late next year.

During the past year, iron ore prices have crashed.

After hovering above $US135 late last year, a massive ramp up in production and cooling demand from China has seen prices for the Pilbara's red earth sink to five-year lows below $US78 a tonne.

That has put smaller rivals such as Atlas Iron, Gindalbie, Mount Gibson, Arrium and BC Iron under enormous financial pressure as prices drop below break-even costs.

Slashing costs 'just business': Bell Potter investment adviser
Even Fortescue has been feeling the pinch given its break-even costs are estimated to be around $US72 a tonne.

Investment adviser Giuliano Sala Tenna, from Bell Potter Securities, says it is not a price war for BHP Billiton, just business.

"BHP still produces very low down the cost curve so they are by far and away one of the cheapest producers in the world," Mr Sala Tenna said.

"So when you look at their costs of production they are still highly profitable even with the big decrease in iron ore pricing.

"So while many producers may be struggling at this stage of the cycle, for BHP it's still one of the most profitable assets in their portfolio."

Mr Sala Tenna says smaller, high cost Australian producers are losing money as well as other producers elsewhere in India, South East Asia and China as the price of iron ore falls.

While Fortescue Metals is also being squeezed, Mr Sala Tenna believes it has more room to move because it has undertaken a major cost reduction program.

Bevan Sturgess Smith from Macquarie Private Wealth says BHP Billiton is being bullish despite signs of a slowing Chinese economy.

"What they are trying to do is maintain that very dominant position," Mr Sturgess Smith said.

"The fact that their margins are so good that they can continue to increase their production ... it just means even if the demand or the price drops a little bit further they are still making money."

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