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本帖最后由 big5shuo 于 22-7-2014 14:21 编辑
03.07.2013 Decided to migrate, began preparing IELTS
21.09.2013 1st IELTS L8.5 R8.5 W7.0 S6.5 O7.5
10.10.2013 1st IELTS remark application submitted
26.10.2013 2nd IELTS L8.5 R8.5 W7.0 S6.5 O7.5
19.11.2013 1st IELTS remark result L8.5 R8.5 W7.0 S7.0 O8.0
26.11.2013 ACS Skill Assessment submitted (261313)
07.12.2013 Spouse IELTS L8.0 R8.5 W6.0 S6.5 O7.5
12.02.2014 ACS Skill Assessment positive results (suitable, AQF Master, 2 years deduction)
12.02.2014 EOI submitted (189 - 60pts and 190 - 65pts)
14.02.2014 Victoria 190 application submitted
26.03.2014 New born baby
28.04.2014 EOI invited (189)
01.06.2014 Baby's household registered, started to apply passport
15.06.2014 Baby's passport issued
15.06.2014 189 Visa eLodged
23.06.2014 Application supporting documents submitted and received
24.06.2014 Police Clearance issued
27.06.2014 Medical Check passed
22.07.2014 Granted !!! (CO: Ben ROBERTSON, Team 7, Adelaide)
7月22日收到Grant Notification!
Visa申请过程中提交了清华认证截屏(原件发给加拿大移民局了), 80表.
所以CO没有要求补材料, 直接准签. 以至于我根本没有意识到CO的出现, 其实CO已经在悄悄的审资料了.