背景:本人36岁,09年国内某985高校EECS专业的PhD,本科是CS,在国外PostDoc一年,现在国内一大学任职(4-5年),主要从事本科生研究生教学,研究方向偏optimization和machine learning、 computer vision,同时也在coding和software engineering有较深的积累,目前也在带一个小组搞computer vision over big data (hadoop 、 spark)的开发。有几篇代表作,引用次数100左右。
NZSCO code Occupation Minimum IELTS requirement Minimum work experience Specialisations and other requirements
PhD Graduates 6.0 in each band PhD graduates who have completed a doctorate (from an Australian educational institution or other doctorate from an international institution, of a recognised standard as assessed by the relevant skill assessing authority) in a specialist field relating to an occupation on this, the State Nomination Occupation List for Victoria, within the past five years. PhD graduates are not required to meet any work experience requirements specified for their nominated occupation.