Parent and Aged Parent (non contributory), Carer, Remaining Relative and Aged Relative visas cessation date 2 June 2014
Select LegislativeInstrument No. 65, 2014 [F2014L00622] Migration Amendment (Repeal ofCertain Visa Classes) Regulation 2014
Commences on Monday 2 June 2014and repeals
§ theAged Dependent Relative visa classes and subclasses
§ theRemaining Relative visa classes and subclasses
§ theCarer visa classes and subclasses
§ theParent and Aged Parent visa classes and subclasses
Persons are no longer able to apply for these visa classes from2 June 2014.
Any applications, posted or couriered, will need toarrive at the Perth Parent Processing Centre (PCC) by close of businessTODAY.
Please note applicationscannot be delivered personally to the PPC.
之前官网通知是before the new financial year,也就是说在6月30日前任何一天都可能截止。
以前在国内就因为政策突变,失去了一个很好的机会,这次总算长了点记性,想着移民局很可能在6月1日截止,就赶在周四下午递交了申请,post express跟踪显示周五投递到了(delivered),刚刚赶上最后一班车,好险!