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Someone think it is an effective way to provide education and job training to criminals. However, someone think putting criminals into prison would be better. What do you think ?
Nowadays, there are increasing concerns about how to treat with criminals. However, whether they should be provided with job training or directly put into prison is a controversial issue. From my point of view, it would be a more effective way to offer defenders education and job training.
First, most of the criminals’ anti-society behavior, such as their high level of aggressive behavior, stems from lack of proper education in their childhood. Poor education, together with their parents’ ignorance, gradually lead to their character flaw. In that sense, they are actually victims and should not be fully accountable for crimes. So in order to reform them to be law-abiding citizens, education should play a dominant role in the whole process.
Moreover, it has to be admitted that some originally well-behaved people go astray socially due to survival pressure since they lack specific skill finding a job. Situation will probably be totally different if job training can be provided. With their efforts, they are able to build a solid foundation in the job market and fulfill the requirement of the employers, which would contribute to the reduction of crime incidence. As is revealed in the media, every year there are numerous offenders who find jobs through education and training, and finally get respect from the society.
However, positive as it is, we should not neglect the effects of putting criminals into prison. Isolating offenders geographically can somehow relieve the psychologically tension from the public and make the society function well. But without proper education, the reality has to be accepted that once their penalties expire, the society will still suffer from repeat criminals.
In sum, education and job training should play a critical role in criminals’ reform process. Meanwhile, punishment is also taken into use sometimes. In many circumstance, these measures are not competitive but complementary to each other, benefiting the offenders and society as a whole.