The following employment after October 2008 is considered to equate to work at an appropriately
skilled level and relevant to 261313 (Software Engineer) of the ANZSCO Code.
我记得以前看RPL介绍的时候,他们说要6年以上closely related才能算suitable,这点我没问题,但没想到的是这六年居然要扣掉、然后后面从零算起?那这么一来我才两年多经验了?我问了朋友,他是找中介办的,他告诉我中介说了ACS和移民局评价标准不一样,没事的,这经验照样算。我将信将疑,毕竟ACS在官方文档《Skills-Assessment-Guidelines-for-Applicants》里明确定义了"EMPLOYMENT"(第8页):Only employment completed after the date you have met the ACS suitability criteria will be counted as “Skilled Employment” and eligible for migration points.