A limited number of nominations are also available for applicants with Schedule 2 (offlist) occupations on the Western Australian skilled migration occupation list.
off list从英文字面理解是taken off from list. 如果S2=OFFLIST,S2真要要offer的话,看来就搞不成了。悲剧 ...
Offer of employment
If you are invited to make an application for State nomination from Western Australia you may require an offer of employment. This is a requirement for those who have studied in Australia and are a recent graduate, or live in an Australian state other than Western Australia. This is also a requirement for applicants with an occupation on the Western Australian skilled migration occupation list schedule 2 (off list).
The offer of employment must meet all of the following conditions:
be in your nominated, or closely related occupation;
be based in Western Australia, for visa subclass 489 this must be in an area outside of Perth and surrounding areas;
be for at least one year; and
be full time (a minimum of 37.5 hours a week).
If you are currently employed in Western Australia, in your nominated or closely related occupation, you must provide evidence that this employment will continue for a further 12 months.
This must be typed on company letterhead and signed by your potential or current employer.
Criteria for State nomination 2012–2013
• Provide evidence of successful lodgement of an expression of interest for General Skilled Migration
(GSM) on the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) SkillSelect database; and
• Have an occupation on the Western Australian Skilled Migration Occupation List (WASMOL); and
• Provide evidence showing sufficient funds to cover settlement costs and living costs for at least three
months; and
• Additional criteria as shown in the table below.
190 (Skilled nominated) ■ Meet one of the following criteria:
□ currently working in Western Australia in nominated or closely
related occupation with evidence that employment will continue
for a further 12 months; or
□ have an offer of full-time employment for 12 months in Western
Australia in nominated or closely related occupation.