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本帖最后由 huden 于 28-10-2013 15:17 编辑
今天上午发信催签,立刻秒准(感觉我亲爱的CO Jeniffer正在等我的锤签信一样),为此奋斗了2年零四个月。经历了1次政策变更,8次雅思考试,各种风雨。结果完美就好,新的路还很长很长。感谢论坛的移友们的帮助和鼓励,感谢我的Co 大人仁慈且神速;感谢我的父母还有我的副申请风雨陪伴;感谢澳洲的技术移民政策,为我们打开一扇选择的大门;感谢我的单位和朋友们。
Client Name: XXXXX
Date of Birth:XX November XXX
Client ID: XXXXX
File Number XXXXXXXX
Transaction Reference Number: XXXXXXXX
Visa Application Charge Receipt Number: 3XXXXXXXX
Visa Class: Skilled Independent (Permanent) (class SI)
Date of Visa Application: XXXXXXXX
Case Officer: XXXXXXXX
Transmission Method: Email
Nominated Occupation: Civil Engineer
Australian New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO): 233211
Good morning, Dear XXXXX
I sent my VAC2 payment receipt to you last Tuesday via email. Additionally, I attached this receipt to the evisa system later. Please advise me if you have receive it.
Apart from that, Though I understand that you and your colleagues have to deal with high volume of applications on a daily basis, the outcome of my application is closely
related to my next year planning like house selling,air ticket booking and agenda arrangement, etc. So, I wonder if there is any time frame for my application case.
I am looking forwards to your reply.Thank you for your time and patience.
Yours sincerely,