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本帖最后由 styx1009 于 8-9-2013 22:51 编辑
我目前状况是环境工程师,,whichTMD最近要75分才有希望移民,我想试着评估civil engineer下面的transport engineer 不知是否有戏!
现在EA评估出来的是第一个:professional engineer
我的疑问是:在上面三个评估的不同级别中,是否只有第一个professional engineer才能用于技术移民?如果评为Engineering Technologist 或Associate 是不是没戏了呢?
我大学本科在国内读的 所以当时是走的CDR, 然后本科的东西我琢磨过了,是没办法挂钩到其他配额多的职业的,只有靠在这边两年的master 经验,第一年还是environmental engineer 但我有学transport的课,第二年是civil engineer(unsw的等于transport engineer),我两年的master把所有transport engineer的科目都学完了的,按照engineering associate的要求(下面有评估手册的原文),2年的学习,我觉得应该有资格。。
1. 评为engineering associate能技术移民么?
2. 可以用在这里的master的两年的学习经验来评么?(本科完全没有一点transport的东西,全是环境的东西)
2. Occupational Categories in Engineering
Engineers Australia recognises three occupational categories
within the engineering team in Australia:
• Professional Engineer
• Engineering Technologist
• Engineering Associate
For migration purposes, an additional category of
Engineering Manager is also recognised.
Shown below is a description of the pre-requisite
engineering qualifications and the workplace role for each
occupational category.
Professional Engineer
Academic qualification is an Australian four year Bachelor
of Engineering degree following twelve years of schooling,
or equivalent.
The Professional Engineer:
• Focuses on overall systems
• Develops and applies new engineering practices
• Applies leadership & management skills
• Pursues engineering opportunities in an holistic way, taking
environmental, community & social issues into account
• Solves diverse problems.
Engineering Technologist
Academic qualification is an Australian three year Bachelor
of Engineering Technology degree following twelve years of
schooling, or equivalent.
The Engineering Technologist:
• Focuses on interactions within the system
• Modifies and adapts established engineering practices
• Advances engineering technology.
Engineering Associate
Academic qualification is an Australian two year Advanced
Diploma of engineering following twelve years of schooling,
or equivalent.
The Engineering Associate:
• Focuses on specific elements of the system
• Works within codes and applies established
practices and procedures.
感谢!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |