今天上午扣款提交,我把我父母、姐姐、姐夫和老婆家人都当成Non-migrating dependent family members提交了。
提交完了才发现有9个人全部要求上传无刑、监护、1221表和体检,我才去看原来dependent family members 的意思是在经济上依靠我、或者孤寡的小孩老人才算啊。
提醒以后的兄弟们注意,下面这个选项没有特殊情况,家人不和你一起过去的一定要选择 No 。
Does the applicant have any dependent family members not travelling to Australia who are not
Australian citizens or Australian permanent residents?
yES OR no
my incorrect answer amendment:
All the family members have been included in the
"Non-migrating dependent family members"
section, should be excluded from the section.
Reasons:I have misunderstood the term of the "dependant family
members " as if it refers to those people who can visit me
conveniently in the future as relatives.
When I rechecked the form1119 booklet6 I found that all
those family members, including ' XXXXX...' cannot meet the
requirement of 'dependant family members', as they are living seperately from my
household and I do not financially support them for their basic needs.
my incorrect answer amendment:
All the family members have been included in the
"Non-migrating dependent family members"
section, should be excluded from the section.
Reasons:I have misunderstood the term of the "dependant family
members " as if it refers to those people who can visit me
conveniently in the future as relatives.
When I rechecked the form1119 booklet6 I found that all
those family members, including ' XXXXX...' cannot meet the
requirement of 'dependant family members', as they are living seperately from my
household and I do not financially support them for their basic needs.