2)如果要寄,申请表1.4是这个邮寄地址吗:VETASSESS Skills Recognition – General Occupations GPO Box 2752 Melbourne VIC 3001 Australia
4)1.3Your DIAC or assessing body file number 如果空着不填,学历认证寄过去后会不会对不上号?
5)链接里有两份中文文档: 应该按照哪份文档来准备材料?
1)1.3 reason for assessment 选 Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme 还是 General Skilled Migration – Points based visas (我是190)
2)4.6 Name of highest end of schooling certificate obtained 难道要写毕业证书?中学时代没有别的certificate了
3)5.1 student registration number 是啥?学号?
4)5.3 Name of the qualification in original language 填“学士学位”OK吗?
5)5.7 Campus you attended 填校区吗?只有一个校区并且没有名字咋办?
6)5.9 What was the normal entry requirement for the course? 是不是填 national collegue entrance examination?
7)5.10 If different, what was the basis of your entry into this course? 可以不填吗?
8)职业评估进展到哪个环节我才会获得 file number?