收到CPA australia关于评估的回复了
1、关于VET验证学历,cpa australia不需要一定要是VET,可以是一个中国机构,但是结果必须直接发给他们。所以从性价比来说可以考虑选择清华认证。回复原文如下:
.....verified through an authorised Chinese Qualification Verification Service. If you have a Diploma qualification that leads to your Bachelor degree, you will further be required to have your transcripts relating to your Diploma qualifications verified. All verification reports must be sent directly to CPA Australia from the verification body and must include a copy of the documents that have been verified. For more information on authorised verification services please refer to vetassess.com.au or www.aohuamigration.com
As to skill employment assessment, I am working with XXX (one of the big 4 firms)in China for five years, with the first two years under the title of accoutant and recent three years under the title of assistant manager in audit assurance field. Is this experience close related to the accoutant (general) ANZSCO code 221111?
我提到了我的主要干的工作就是audit assurance也就是外审,但是他们回答如下:
With regards to your question about the skilled employment, it is not possible for us to advise whether a given job title is closely related to an occupation without looking at detailed description of the role. If you are also interested in having a skilled employment assessment conducted as part of your migration assessment, please read this section of our website for what documents to submit in support of your employment.
根据他的回答,我觉得想把外审经验评估成accountant的经验,要仔细研究一下ANZSCO code的要求及描述,将自己的经验描述尽量往那上面靠。
对于是否cpa australia的课程是否可以作为会计评估可以考虑的课程,他们没有明说,但是要求如下:
- Syllabus details/subject outlines for all accounting, finance, law, economics, statistics and computer information systems subjects. This is required in order to recognise your Bachelor degree in the assessment, regardless of your CPA membership status. If an official syllabus cannot be obtained, we will accept a Statutory Declaration stating the reason for its non-availability and a personally detailed, typewritten summary of all the subjects studied.
- Your CPA Australia Associate membership certificate and exam results for any segments you have completed with CPA Australia
我觉得cpa australia 的课程应该会考虑。
对黄竹子提醒我的本科学习内容和工作经验的联系问题,还没有很好的解决方案。只能到时候试试了。 |