我英国的Postgraduate Diploma VET评估为higher qualification在澳洲的教育系统里,属于level 8,远高于属于level 7的Bachelor Degree。
但是在做职业评估时却硬是把这个PGDip归入AQF level 5 的Diploma (这是一个高中毕业就可以念的证书级别)。那个评估员估计是对自己的错误从来不承认,也觉得我们外国人好欺负,因此在信件交流中有不少自相矛盾的结论。
1. 承认PGDip属于higher qualification, 类似于澳洲的GDip,是比Bachelor级别高,但是做职业评估,按照VET所谓的内部AQF指标,这个PGDip属于level 5的Diploma,从第8级下降了3个级别。连大专证书都不如。
2. 具体询问用什么样的AQF标准,不予解答,蛮横回答内部秘密。在澳洲这样的民主国家,这个问题不涉及国家安全,没什么不好回答。只是他不敢认错,怕上级知道批评。洋人每年也有staff annual review,不好的事情会影响升职和加薪
3. VET那个officer给出的不讲理的理由是“"One reason that the AQF Graduate Diploma may be seen as comparable to AQF Diploma for VETASSESS Skill Assessment purposes is the length of study duration – an AQF Graduate Diploma does not have the depth and breadth of study comparable to most Australian Bachelor degrees."
4. 我专门询问了Australian Qualifications Framework Council,澳洲教育部直属的文凭管理官方机构,VET还是不属于官方机构,看域名就可以看出来,属于公司性质,赚钱摆第一位。AQF council的老大回复我说,"a Graduate Diploma is at level 8 in the AQF and a Diploma is at level 5. As such they should not be considered to be at the same educational level as the level of learning outcomes for level 5 are quite different in terms of the complexity and breadth and depth of knowledge and skills required for qualifications at the higher level 8. The length of study is not necessarily an indicator of complexity. Taking a 3 year PhD as an example, this would not mean that a 4 year Bachelor Honours Degree is more complex than a PhD. It is the level of the learning outcomes that need to be taken into account. Also a Graduate Diploma may be shorter in length than a Diploma but that does mean that they have the same learning outcomes."