分期支付的,从前是一次性给,估计因为很多国人短登领完5000刀就回国了,导致澳洲政府想出了对策,开始分批发放。第一笔877刀,每两周一发,直到发完为止。我们4月初提交的申请,包括babybonus和family benefits A and B,还有住房津贴,直到昨天才批下来,现在周期太长了,等得望眼欲穿啊!不过这几样加起来,一次就发了四千多刀,很是爽了一把,呵呵。
Baby Bonus is paid per eligible child in 13 fortnightly instalments. From 1 July 2011, customers eligible to receive Baby Bonus will get a higher first instalment of $879.77 and 12 fortnightly instalments of approximately $379.77. The higher first instalment of Baby Bonus will assist with the upfront costs of having a new child.