楼主 |
发表于 8-2-2012 19:36:45
Mandarin 桔子
Orange 橙子
Passionfruit 热情果三品种
Pomegranate 红石榴
Pineapple 菠萝
Rosella 洛神花
Strawberry 草莓
Raspberry 覆盆子Chilcottin
pawpaw (papaya) - Thai Red Bisexual 木瓜
Grape 葡萄三个品种
Blueberry -蓝莓 两品种Sharpblue, biloxi
Cucumber - 0riental pickling, Crystal Apple, Salad special, Long green 黄瓜四个品种
Pumpkin - Btternut, Japanese 南瓜两品种
Smooth Luffa 水瓜,丝瓜
Bottle Gourd 瓠瓜 , 葫芦瓜
Angled luffa 棱角丝瓜
Spaghetti Squash 鱼翅瓜
honey dew 白兰瓜
Rockmelon - Hales Best 哈密瓜
white bitter gound 白玉苦瓜
Watermelon - Sugar Baby 西瓜
Squash - 碟瓜 green button hybrid, white squash
galangal 高良姜
turmeric 黄姜,黄连参,地黄姜,野洋姜
Jerusalem Artichokes 南姜,鬼子姜
Ginger 生姜
Rhubarb - Sydney Crimson 大黄 (两年后开始采摘)
Asparagus 芦笋
Artichoke Globe 朝鲜蓟
Common Fennel 茴香
chilli 辣椒
Ceylon spinach 木耳菜
Wolfberry/Goji berry,Lycium Chinese 枸杞
Yam bean 豆薯
Sweet potato 红薯 两品种
Celery 芹菜
Garlic Chives 韭菜
Sawtooth Coriander 锯齿香菜
Rosemary 迷迭香
Mint 薄荷
Cape Gooseberry 姑娘儿
choko 佛手瓜
Coriander 香菜
Italian Parsley 意大利芹菜
Rocket 芝麻菜
Silverbeet - deep green 虎皮菜
Dill 莳萝
Leaf Amaranth (Chinese Spinach),苋菜
Spinach - Lazio F1,Medania 菠菜两个品种
Basil - Sweet Genovese 九层塔
Purslane 马齿苋
Radish - Long Scarlet 水萝卜
Snake Bean 豇豆角两品种
Dwarf Been - Butter Bean 豆角
Marigold - French Bonita 万寿菊
Nasturtium - Tall mixed, Gleam Hybrids 旱金莲
Black Russian, Tommy toe, Black Kirm, Sweete, Improved Apollo, cherry 西红柿六个品种
kang kong 空心菜
Garlic 大蒜
Shallot - long white 长白葱
Spring Onion - white lisbon 带头葱
Leek - 韭葱 Musselburgh
Oriental(Stem) Lettuce 油麦菜
Red Onion 萨拉洋葱
Lettuce - Green , Brown Mignonette 生菜两品种
Redicchio - palla rossa
Eggplant - Black Beauty 茄子
Capsicum - Cunabella Green 甜椒
Sunflower - Giant Single, Sun King 葵花三品种
Sweet Corn - Jubilee F1, Kelvedon glory 玉米两品种
Okra - Green, Africian 秋葵两品种
Potato 土豆
Taro (Elephant ears)- Green, Red stem 芋头
Peanut 花生
sweet lemon 甜柠檬
lime 青檬 谢谢rara12
avocado 牛油果
feijoa 费约果
fig 无花果 thanks to rara12
loquat 枇杷 thanks to gzteach
guava番石榴guangdong fruit
dragon fruit 火龙果(yellow skined, H. polyrhizus red flesh )
pepino (gold) 人参果 (closely related to tomato)
Lemongrass 香茅
Sugar Cane 甘蔗
Yacon 雪莲果
Rhizoma Dioscoreae Oppositae (common yam rhizome, chinese yam)山药
purple sweet potato 紫薯
garden pea 豌豆
hyacinth bean 紫眉豆
红秋葵 red okra
紫色菠菜 purple spinach
莴笋 Stem Lettuce, Celtuce, Asparagus Lettuce, Celery Lettuce
大萝卜 Oriental Green Radish
[ 本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 18-10-2012 18:50 编辑 ] |