楼主,能不能说说G类小作文的结构和注意事项啊? 都没有那本参考资料给了我清晰的认识。谢谢~! 考雅思真有那么难吗? 本来一直追着帖子自己在做word版,看到yrqin做了pdf,就方便多了,果断下载学习!!万分感谢啊,这么多内容真的不容易,谢谢!! 出pdf啦,方便好多,LZ贴心、可爱、sweet!:loveliness: :good 我也没啥经验。。。我参考的是小姨的十天作文。
原帖由 鱼在岸上 于 26-12-2011 22:37 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
楼主,能不能说说G类小作文的结构和注意事项啊? 都没有那本参考资料给了我清晰的认识。谢谢~! 通过研究楼猪的大作,终于发现一个不使用第一人称仍然表达自己观点的方法,我看楼猪给的例子里经常用 This essay will argue that XXXX。
BTW,楼猪这个东东需要很长时间研究才能领会,后悔没有早看:555: 好贴,顶一个! :tk_00 下载了 183页啊 LZ太强大了! 值得下载的pdf! 感谢楼主:good:zan
刚刚下载了,开始学习。 谢谢yrqin,1月7日雅思顺利通过,虽然作文考得不好:)
那天过于纠结小作文,导致大作文只剩30分钟,正式遵循了楼主的结构方法,才得以在最后一秒完成大作文,真心的谢谢yrqin之前帮我批改作文。:good 强帖,感谢分享! 楼主的精神值得大家学习~:yct_49
学习中.... mark,好好学习ing 一点一点读完啦,受益匪浅。谢谢了:loveliness: 非常感谢经验分享!!! mark:P 后悔没有早点仔细阅读和领会这个帖子,感谢楼主无私细致的分享!n 强大的帖子,下了回去慢慢研究 收藏!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 这个必须要顶。 mark一下. 标记!谢谢楼主分享!很好啊! mark下 谢谢 花了半下午刚看了个大概,mark下留个记号 继续看。。 太强了~! 下了PDF,准备专心研究一下,09/22三战,需要4个6.5啊~TO ALL
In order to learn a foreign language well, students should also learn about the culture and lifestyles of the people who speak the language. Do you agree or disagree?Under the wave of globalization, to learn a foreign language is of great importance to many people, especially for students. Some people suggest that the culture and lifestyles of native speakers should also be learned for the sake of proficiency. To my way of thinking, Students can largely benefit from these kinds of learning.
To begin with, culture is where language originates, therefore anyone who attempts to learn a language should have some acquaintance with the relevant culture. In some situations, one can not understand the language on condition that the context have some subtle information about the culture beneath it. The slang of “winner winner, chicken dinner” is a case in point. People who do not know about culture about casino in Las Vegas can by no means know the meaning of the phrase. Further more, knowing culture of other people will establish mutual trust, which, to a large extent, is of paramount important in communication.
In addition, lifestyles is a significant factor contribute to proficiency of language. There are numerous slang and jokes in a language that reflect the lifestyles of the people who speaks the language. To master a particular language well, one should know these lifestyles, otherwise he might not know what the native people really mean. For instance, one people travels to a country where he barely knows about the lifestyles, misunderstanding and confusion will definitely generate. It could be the tips he forget to give, or the conventions he do not understand. It could be the foods he can not appreciate, or the humor he can not sense. Whatever it is, it can not be a pleasant journey.
In conclusion, it will be beneficial to the language learner to learn the culture and lifestyles of the people who speak the language.