旅居澳洲/蓝山深处食与居: 一匙食一瓢饮一室悠:采摘野生 pine mushroom之行
旅居澳洲/蓝山深处食与居: 一匙食一瓢饮一室悠我也来发表我的美食.
生活的一大乐趣之一: 烹饪.
Swedish almond ball
[ 本帖最后由 atraveller 于 30-3-2012 13:40 编辑 ] 下午茶
美味美景美丽心情 :lol 四川风味熏鱼
italian marinated pine mushroom. 意大利腌制松茸. 最终产品忘记相片.
松茸好啊,:loveliness: :loveliness: :loveliness: ,熏鱼也好。 楼主上个熏鱼的做法吧。 真好…………………… 原帖由 罗卜扛大包 于 9-11-2011 17:57 发表 http://freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
Here you go. Sorry, this recipe I wrote for non-Chinese speaking people. Hope it is clear to you.
Sichuan style smoky fish
1. 4 medium size rainbow trout
2. clean, keep skin on
3. marinate for 3 days in fridge
Sichuan Bajia Stew herb mix power plus fresh ginger shallot and cooking wine
or the following:
Soy sauce(dark one),Sugar,Chinese cooking wine,Ginger,Garlic,Pepper and Sichuan peppercorn,Shallot
4. Oven at 200C for 45minutes (adjust accordingly to your own oven)
5. Smoke in smoker. I use my self-built smoker as in picture.
a. Place aluminium foil on the bottomof a wok
b. Place orange peel, bay leave, pine leave, tea leave, sugar, pepper corn and Sichuan pepper corn, shallot, and apple tree crumble.
c. Place a metal frame on top
d. Use paper towel drain off visible liquid, then place fish on top of the frame
e. Cover with lid
f. Then seal with aluminium foil on wok edge
g. Put on camping gas stove on high heat for 20 minutes
h. Turn off heat and keep it there until it cool down
6. Wrap in food bag, the fish can be stored in -20C for quite awhile.
[ 本帖最后由 atraveller 于 10-11-2011 10:21 编辑 ] 那个自制的na肉,Please!让我吃点吧:lol
回复 #9 atraveller 的帖子
这张图真不容易:good 你那个蘑菇是松乳菇,长在松树下面,我家附近的松林里到处都是:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lactarius_deliciosus
回复 #1 atraveller 的帖子
我要吃腊肉:mk_87 我要吃,饿呀饿。。。:zan :zan :zan 写意人生~~~ 腊肉, 吃完了. 要等待明年了. Will bring some Italian biscotti to you next time 原帖由 atraveller 于 9-11-2011 15:26 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif下午茶
狗狗的眼神,充满忧郁呀! 原帖由 Jack_Chow 于 10-11-2011 11:44 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
me 2:P 原帖由 平一指 于 12-11-2011 19:52 发表 http://freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
我摘来吃了不少,吃不完的就烘干了保存,原来这个蘑菇可以做咸菜的?请问做咸菜究竟该怎么做 ...
How nice "我家附近的松林里到处都是". I have to drive 2 hours to Oberon to pick them.
Please google it: marinated red pine mushroom. This is one of those I just do it and no writing recipe. 直接用鼠标画的? No, it is easy to draw. I have a Wacon Graphics Tablets.
My colleagues taste and like that fish, and want recipe. So I wrote that recipe and draw the image for them awhile ago.
Glad you like it. 惬意人生!:good 原帖由 atraveller 于 15-11-2011 12:15 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
How nice "我家附近的松林里到处都是". I have to drive 2 hours to Oberon to pick them.
Please google it: marinated red pine mushroom. This is one of those I just do it and no writing recipe.
有那么麻烦吗?在谷歌地球上找找你家附近有林场没,然后再开车去看种的是不是松树,如果是松树,那多半就有。 有那么麻烦吗?在谷歌地球上找找你家附近有林场没,然后再开车去看种的是不是松树,如果是松树,那多半就有。
THere is no pine forest near me or in Blue mountains. Pine is "外籍", not allowed.
那个蛋炒饭, 不仅我喜欢它,其他人也喜欢.我带去工作场所一次, 已经有许多人想要食谱. 所以我写了. 记得用糙米brown rice, 煮饭前浸泡4个小时以上. Brown rice做炒饭出乎意料的好, if you like the nutty and chewy text as I do.
Stir Fried Rice
Four eggs, brown rice, four Chinese sausages (Na-Chang), some coriander and shallot, salt, soy sauce
All chopped into small pieces; chop leafy and stalk part of coriander and shallot separately.
1. Rinse two cups of brown rice, add two cups of waterand soak for 4 hours.
2. Cook brown rice. After done, break rice apart into piece.
3. Scramble four eggs, pour some oil into fry pan, then pour egg in and break egg into small pieces. Take out for mixing in later.
4. Put Na-chang into fry pan, sizzle till flavour come out;
5. Put stalk part of coriander and white part of shallot in; sizzle till flavour come out;
6. Put rice, egg and leafy part of coriander and shallot in; mix
7. Add certain amount of salt or soy sauce to your taste; mix well.
[ 本帖最后由 atraveller 于 23-11-2011 13:22 编辑 ]
很快将启程非洲6国游. 提前与朋友们一个简单的圣诞”大”餐. 太忙只能简单做做了. 虽然我很想慰藉一下即将在非洲受苦的胃.1 辣子鸡丁,
2 Rock and honeydew melon prosciutto balsamic salad, 3 black bean de-shelled mussel, 4 sweat chilli basil chicken
自制盐鸭蛋, 好吃但不红. 这真是邻居自家产的鸭蛋.
Basil, 也是自家产的, 我非常喜欢,有4类:purple basil, sweat basil, perennial basil and Thai basil.
倍受歧视的佛手瓜, 坚强成长.
在鱼池内的蝌蚪, 不知道能不能长成青蛙
想跟LZ做邻居 很不错啊,香啊! 写意人生:lol