bushwalker 发表于 7-3-2011 07:49:22

"Boy" and "Boys"

bushwalker 发表于 7-3-2011 07:50:02

Who is Who?

bushwalker 发表于 7-3-2011 07:52:01

It is totally different feeling to have watermelon after 31 KM walk with over 1500 meters ascent and 1500 meters descent.

My mistake for such small size of watermelon (only 8.5 KG) this time.

At least 15 Kg of watermelon is needed if .......

[ 本帖最后由 bushwalker 于 7-3-2011 08:53 编辑 ]

maggiehiking 发表于 7-3-2011 10:53:35


bushwalker 发表于 9-3-2011 14:17:02

As some of us will join Melbourne Hiking Club to walk at Wilsons Prom, the best park in Victoria this weekend March 12/13

3月12日劳动节长周末徒步WILSON PROMS南部灯塔及澳洲最南端海角(见55楼)


there will no be outdoor activities around Sydney for this Sunday March 13, 2011.

[ 本帖最后由 bushwalker 于 9-3-2011 14:24 编辑 ]

bushwalker 发表于 11-3-2011 18:32:04

One of them will leave Sydney tonight


walk at Wilsons Prom of Victoriathis weekend (March 12-14, 2011).

TWLYWW 发表于 11-3-2011 18:47:49

原帖由 bushwalker 于 11-3-2011 18:32 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
One of them will leave Sydney tonight


walk at Wilsons Prom of Victoriathis weekend (March 12-14, 2011).


bushwalker 发表于 14-3-2011 14:58:15

It was pity that
myselfmissed out great opportunuity to meet old friends Holy & Sherry, 黑鸟,小猪, 小柏&Elina, 法师, namu ofMelbourbehiking Club again and and the rare time of walking over 50 KMat the most beautiful park in Victoria, Wilsons Prom.

老道, VIOLA, LAURN, 小郁闷,TONY,HALF of Sydneyhiking Clubhad great time for both 1/2 night camping and 2/3 days walking. Some of them look forward to walk together at "Overland Track" off Tas in Dec 2011/Jan 2012, the finest track in Australia, and the top 3 of 20 by Baclpacker

Many thanks Blackbird for organising such great activity in Victoria.

Look forward to seeing your guys in Sydney one day before heading Tas.

[ 本帖最后由 bushwalker 于 14-3-2011 15:04 编辑 ]

Laura.CN 发表于 15-3-2011 02:16:18

原帖由 bushwalker 于 14-3-2011 14:58 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
1/2 night camping and 2/3 days walking


Overland track实在太美,正式查找资料学习...

bushwalker 发表于 16-3-2011 23:15:32

Six of our mates had great time at Wilsons Prom of Victoria last weekend March 12-14, 2011, but Wilsons Prom is a little bit far away from Sydney (over 1000 KM one way) so we could not go there every weekend.

In New South Wales only Light to Light Track of Ben Boyd Nataional Park near Eden (about 5-6 hours driving) is compariable to the best park in Victoria: Wilsons Prom, based on my own experience. We could go there for camping and walking for two or three days in 2011.The Queen Birthday Long weend (June 11-13) may be one option.

For most of us Blue Mountains region may only be the easy accesible place for daily "easy", "medium" or "hard" walking/hiking.

This Sunday March 20 2011 we are going to walk :”Look out Laura” firstly, and if time and werather permit to “On Top of the World” (where four of us had different unforgettable experience on Oct 24, 2010, see #185-#192 and 游走天地间 Lockleys car park to Blue Gum Forest via Lockleys Pylon and Return http://freeoz.net/ibbs/thread-926139-1-1.html).

Look Out Leura (8KM, 3-4 Hours)
This walk takes in numerous stunning viewpoints over valleys, creeks and waterfalls. While there are a few climbs we do not descend to the floor of the Jamison Valley. This trial is mainly on the cliff top near Leura.

On Top of the World (8KM, 2-3 Hours)
The walk to Lockley Pylon commands 360 degree view over the world heritage park. It’s a “top of the world feeling” to look across rugged cliff faces and down to valleys below. From the road the foot track leads on a steady incline along a ridge through heath-land and scrub to the high point. There are views all the way to the pylon.

The meeting time and place
9:30 AM, Sunday 20th of March, 2011, at the corner of Craigend Street and Leura Mall of Leura
GPS S33º42´55.89", E 150º19´46.87"

?????, Sunday 20th of March, 2011, at entrance of Lockley (Pylon) track, Mount Hay Road of Leura (10 KM away from Great Western Hwy)
GPS S33º39´4.07", E 150º22´17.94"

It is compulsory to wear hiking/bushwalking shoes/boots.

Please SMS 0402 817 164 or MSN petercai08@hotmail.com for your confirmation.

Outdoor activities carry their own risks of injury and death. The Organizer has no any control over what the participant does, and cannot accept any liability for any loss or accidents which the participant might suffer.

[ 本帖最后由 bushwalker 于 16-3-2011 23:26 编辑 ]

bushwalker 发表于 19-3-2011 21:17:59

Due to potential rain and leeches, and oven ten will join tomorrow walk at Leura, wemay reschedule proposed "Look Out Leura" to Cliff walk between Enans Lookout to Pulpit Rock via Govetts Leap at Blackheath, which is about 14 KM return for 4-6 hours or "On Top of the World". Meeting time and place keep unchanged.

Outdoor activities carry their own risks of injury and death. The Organizer has no any control over what the participant does, and cannot accept any liability for any loss or accidents which the participant might suffer.

[ 本帖最后由 bushwalker 于 19-3-2011 21:20 编辑 ]

half 发表于 19-3-2011 23:26:30

原帖由 bushwalker 于 16-3-2011 23:15 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
Six of our mates had great time at Wilsons Prom of Victoria last weekend March 12-14, 2011, but Wilsons Prom is a little bit far away from Sydney (over 1000 KM one way) so we could not go there every...

bushwalker 发表于 20-3-2011 20:44:02

Due to heavy rain in both Sydney and Blue Moutains regions in last several days, we had to reschedule our proposed "Look Out Leura" and "On Top of the World in Leura to "Cliff Walk" in Blackheath of Blue Mountains.

Many thanks


for joining Cliff Walk of 6.7 KM with about 400 meters ascent and 380 meters descent,despite ofshowers and heavy rain from time to time today.

Seven of us had super easy walk and great lunch at Govetts Leap Lookout.Everyone enjoyed very much rainy walking with different experience.

I will go to walk at Mt Warnings, the Hinterland of Tweed Heads of New South Wales and Hinterland of Gold Coast of Queensland this week,
so there will no be outdoor activties on March 27, 2011.

Next Sunday, April 3, 2011, we are going to coast walk of about 30 KM at Royal National Park. See you there.

[ 本帖最后由 bushwalker 于 20-3-2011 20:54 编辑 ]

funnybird 发表于 20-3-2011 20:51:31

回复 #463 bushwalker 的帖子


bushwalker 发表于 20-3-2011 20:57:21

The source of waterfalls

[ 本帖最后由 bushwalker 于 20-3-2011 21:00 编辑 ]

half 发表于 20-3-2011 21:34:39

原帖由 funnybird 于 20-3-2011 20:51 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif

bushwalker 发表于 20-3-2011 21:46:22

Who is who?

bushwalker 发表于 20-3-2011 21:47:54

Trees, Water and Falls

[ 本帖最后由 bushwalker 于 20-3-2011 21:48 编辑 ]

Ryanzzm 发表于 20-3-2011 21:49:16


ntty 发表于 20-3-2011 22:42:51



Viola 发表于 20-3-2011 23:52:38


旗开得胜 发表于 21-3-2011 16:42:12

祝郎兄也生日快乐,谢谢Peter老大,老到大哥,张琪,Tony,half,Ryan,Laura, (seriously)
大家同乐,同乐:loveliness: :lol :congra :handshake :good

[ 本帖最后由 旗开得胜 于 21-3-2011 20:40 编辑 ]

zzoz 发表于 21-3-2011 18:31:19


旗开得胜 发表于 21-3-2011 20:29:29

原帖由 zzoz 于 21-3-2011 18:31 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif


另您加班的时候,don't work too hard.

see you soon

[ 本帖最后由 旗开得胜 于 21-3-2011 20:31 编辑 ]

circleyue 发表于 23-3-2011 02:35:31


Babyhellen 发表于 25-3-2011 15:55:06

Peter, why is it so hard to find a place for simply a walk without you :'(
come back !!

p.s. we all get so sick of blue mtns,.,,:loveliness:

旗开得胜 发表于 25-3-2011 16:39:01

原帖由 Babyhellen 于 25-3-2011 15:55 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
Peter, why is it so hard to find a place for simply a walk without you :'(
come back !!

p.s. we all get so sick of blue mtns,.,,:loveliness:

me too:congra

Laura.CN 发表于 25-3-2011 17:15:15

So we'll be in Royal National Park next week, haha!

Look forward to see you all:mk_84

Babyhellen 发表于 28-3-2011 11:43:08


I'm so happy for not getting lost in Royal NP last Sat :)

I'll be there this Sunday again~~omg....my whole week is gonna to ruined to expect for Sunday!

Hope it'll be a mild sunny day!

half 发表于 28-3-2011 12:10:37

That's why Peter is useful.
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