KYLIE2008 发表于 11-5-2015 23:15:16

记录一下, 加入CBA 真如重新找工作。。。:L幸好有mel 贵人相扶:handshake

zhaocaimao 发表于 16-5-2015 16:05:05


KYLIE2008 发表于 16-5-2015 21:27:54

zhaocaimao 发表于 16-5-2015 15:05

已短, check you msg box

clayland 发表于 31-5-2015 17:31:38


KYLIE2008 发表于 1-6-2015 22:59:34


由于Mel CBA的 banker 的大力帮忙,为转贷CBA的同学提供了比较好的利率,同时获得refinance的 cashback..并建立了MEL 的 CBA根据地。
由于NAB的 mel rate 非常不给力,所以加大了CBA 的竞争力。

对于大额贷款, NAB 仍可提供非常有竞争力的rate..
但与CBA的差距缩小, 由于MEL 的banker的引荐, 结识悉尼 cba 最佳前三的loan manager..

目前 对于自住房的homeloan 1m+ interest rate, generally 仍可做到4.1%~4.15% 但case by case 可能略有不同

另NAB banker 介绍说,由于锁紧投资房的贷款,商业贷款会获得意想不到的低利率

KYLIE2008 发表于 2-6-2015 22:11:12

今天surprise...:P 56万就可以4.15% CBA
电话交流了一下, 目前 CBA 自住50万以上就可以4.15%, 同时多个loan 捆绑申请, 仍可按自住处理, 获得较低rate.. 75万+ 4.1%

KYLIE2008 发表于 28-6-2015 22:56:05

M明天会有CBA的最新 利率指导 :)


The NSW Government promotes better apartment design across NSW through the State Environmental Planning Policy No – 65 Design Quality of Residential Apartment Development (SEPP 65).

This policy aims to deliver a better living environment for the residents now choosing this form of housing, and enhance our streetscapes and our neighbourhoods across the State.

It does this by establishing a consistent approach to the design and assessment of apartments and the way they are assessed by councils.

The Apartment Design Guide explains how to apply SEPP 65’s design principles to the design of new apartments.
2015 Review of SEPP 65 & Residential Flat Design Code

After over a decade of operation, a comprehensive review of SEPP 65 was finalised in 2015. The review included extensive community and stakeholder consultation and resulted in a number of changes to the policy, including the overhaul of the Residential Flat Design Code into the Apartment Design Guide.

The changes were made to support further improvements in apartment design, and also to help improve housing affordability and supply.

Note: The changes to SEPP 65 were notified on the NSW legislation website on 19 June 2015, but will commence four weeks after this date on 17 July 2015.

The changes to SEPP 65 include savings provisions. For apartment development applications lodged prior to 19 June 2015, the Residential Flat Design Code applies.

For apartment development applications lodged after 19 June 2015 and determined after 17 July 2015, the Apartment Design Guide, along with the changes to SEPP 65 will apply.

KYLIE2008 发表于 30-6-2015 21:41:35


1m + 4.1% plus 2250 cashback, no annual fee
300k+ 4.25% plus 1250 cashback, no annual fee
(以上是自住房, new loan)



很多时候, 你不问, 属于你的money 就飞飞了 :bye

KYLIE2008 发表于 30-6-2015 21:45:31

CBA 关于refiance 只有700 的cash back

不过很多人说CBA 服务方面要优于NAB, 我个人没提会, 倒是希望合适的机会, refinance fix 到CBA, 不过目前有一部分loan locked in 在NAB

KYLIE2008 发表于 14-7-2015 21:40:10


yhnbgt 发表于 28-7-2015 02:04:24


KYLIE2008 发表于 28-7-2015 22:08:46

currently, NAB and CBA interest rates are all going up soon, NAB new policy is below
1,所有 interest ONLY的将会升高标准浮息 0.29%,从2015年8月10号生效。

2,所有 interest ONLY的定息客户将会升息0.29%,从2015年8月10号生效
1,interest ONLY variable 也将会在2015年9月10号上调标准浮息 0.29%.

但也有可能拿到 4.1%-4.15% 的利率, 对于1m+, LVR<80%, P+I 的新客户

carolineAUS 发表于 11-8-2015 14:12:14


KYLIE2008 发表于 11-8-2015 21:12:12

最近利率都不如小银行给力,所以没有更新。目前最低声是汇丰 3.99% 小额贷款 Westpac

KYLIE2008 发表于 3-9-2015 22:10:09

谢谢大家的支持, 生活在忙碌中继续:)

提醒大家, 关于commision share, 要减掉30%的税
除非你有ABN number, 能提供invoice
这是感谢大家对NAB的信任的cash rebate

还有希望大家及时跟踪, 免得漏掉

关于利率现在nab也有较低的4.1%一下, 不过现在的条条框框较多, 利率P+I or IO, 自住 or 投资, 希望大家了解市场,多比较,做好前期工作


KYLIE2008 发表于 4-9-2015 22:47:46

今天与银行banker meeting, 经过过去一个阶段的利率大战,
NAB 最新利率指导
1.0m + home occupied or refinance 均可拿到4.08% 的利率
并有1500的cash rebate
及专业的银行loan manager的贴心服务

另对bussiness loan有额外优惠

yy2011 发表于 10-9-2015 12:30:13


Richard.G 发表于 10-9-2015 13:36:33

很感谢Kylie 专业的指点!!!

sunyare 发表于 14-9-2015 19:39:22


KYLIE2008 发表于 18-9-2015 22:10:30

sunyare 发表于 14-9-2015 18:39

请查邮箱 :-)周末愉快

tacdou 发表于 18-10-2015 04:53:41

请lz pm联系方式哈,贷款咨询哦 ,多谢

KYLIE2008 发表于 18-11-2015 21:16:20


现在,涨息后的NAB. 自住 1m+4.27%, investment 4.32% ( P+I)
Plus $1500 cash back, 2 yrs package fee free
60000 rewards point AMEX

有需要的,可以短信, or email, thanks:handshake

KYLIE2008 发表于 3-2-2016 12:02:50

最新CBA fixed rate 3.95% plus 700 refinance cashback and commission share
partial offset account

NAB 4.25% variable rate, plus 1500 cashback and commission share
full offset account

both 澳洲收入和海外收入, 符合条件,即可办理
可横向比较, 也可match rate

我的新一轮邮轮之旅即将展开 :-)

KYLIE2008 发表于 23-2-2016 22:24:32

最新CBA fixed rate 3.95% plus 1500 refinance cashback
partial offset account

目前1.5%的discount from standard rate
50w + 4.20% negotiate
100w +4.15% or less

very competitive rate

KYLIE2008 发表于 8-3-2016 21:16:29

目前1.5%的discount from standard rate
50w + 4.20% negotiate
100w +4.15% or less
fixed rate 3.95% 两年

very competitive rate

NAB 4.35% investment, 4.2% self occupied, 4.09 fixed rate plus $1500 cash back

cooloudy 发表于 14-3-2016 00:34:26

KYLIE2008 发表于 8-3-2016 21:16
目前1.5%的discount from standard rate
50w + 4.20% negotiate
100w +4.15% or less


KYLIE2008 发表于 3-5-2016 22:30:46

Reserve Bank of Australia cuts cash rate to fight deflation
RBA 降息0.25%
Interest rates cut to 1.75 per cent

Banks pass on Reserve Bank of Australia's interest rate cut
CBA, NAB, Westpac 减息0.25%
ANZ 减息0.19%

angelar8 发表于 6-5-2016 00:34:00

KYLIE2008 发表于 8-5-2016 17:59:01

angelar8 发表于 5-5-2016 23:34
cba的fix 3.95是只能给新贷款客户吗?从其他银行转过去的行吗? fix后还能用offset吗?能interest only吗? ...


目前 3.99%是CBA 给自主房的fixed rate, 投资房4.09% 两年,4.19%三年
0.25%的减息,不对fixed rate有效。

fixed 后将没有 正常的offset, 只有一个partial offset account, 利率也比fixed 高。 fixedrate is interest only.

KYLIE2008 发表于 8-5-2016 18:01:37

angelar8 发表于 5-5-2016 23:34
cba的fix 3.95是只能给新贷款客户吗?从其他银行转过去的行吗? fix后还能用offset吗?能interest only吗? ...

对于refinance的客户, CBA有1500 cash back to cover the refinance fee (around $600, government rego transfer fee, 395 account fee)
页: 1 2 3 [4] 5
查看完整版本: CBA 3.99% fixed rate, 1500 cashback until 6月2016