KYLIE2008 发表于 16-2-2015 22:15:39

本帖最后由 KYLIE2008 于 16-2-2015 22:45 编辑


若有没有及时回复的同学请多包涵,再给我msg or post here, thanks:handshake

for your reference :)

KYLIE2008 发表于 18-2-2015 21:24:49

本帖最后由 KYLIE2008 于 18-2-2015 21:26 编辑



KYLIE2008 发表于 25-2-2015 22:43:53

关于同银行谈贷款的时候, 有几点需要注意 (个人总结,大家参考, 并欢迎补充)

1 interest rate ( 4.2~4.4%)
2 lifetime discount (1.3%~1.4%) 这是随利率调控变化的。(current bank rate 5.63% pa -1.3%=4.33%)
3 offset account
4 interest only (for investment property future tax return)
5 no annual fee (2 yrs package fee waived)
6 $1000 cash back (for refinance)

最近,与 Melbourne NAB 的贷款经理取得联系, 为Melbourne同学的买房置业提供帮助。。

xxqqxx89 发表于 25-2-2015 23:29:40

我朋友新公司成立,想用公司账户给我打钱,做买房用。需要打多长时间,然后还要些什么材料,才能到NAB做pre approval呢?怎么才能说服银行这是permanent full time呢?


KYLIE2008 发表于 25-2-2015 23:44:55

xxqqxx89 发表于 25-2-2015 23:29
我朋友新公司成立,想用公司账户给我打钱,做买房用。需要打多长时间,然后还要些什么材料,才能到NAB做pre ...

让你朋友出 公司证明,你是他们的permanent full time
提供你的两份工资单 即可 (参照前文提到的文件要求)

pre approval 根据你的工资收入来定大概数额

KYLIE2008 发表于 6-3-2015 22:50:04


未来的住宅建设将会沿着路轨的方向建设, 各枢纽均为潜在的发展源

retirement 发表于 6-3-2015 23:12:41


KYLIE2008 发表于 20-3-2015 23:46:48

The affordable housing solution that actually works

THERE’S no debate about whether Australia is an expensive place to live — it is.

Our capital cities, especially Sydney and Melbourne, rank among the world’s priciest cities for cost-of-living while low income Australians and young people are being priced out of a booming real estate market.

So for the many who can’t afford to buy their own home, the other choice is to rent. But rental prices are becoming prohibitively expensive for anyone who wants to live within a reasonable distance to work. They’re also stuck in the cycle of paying high rents which hinders their ability to save for a home deposit, the amount of which is increasing as property prices rise.

Housing stress is officially classified as anyone who spends more than 30 per cent of their income on housing, whether that is on rent or mortgage payments.

So what’s the solution?

Affordable housing projects are being touted as something that are making inroads, albeit small, into the housing affordability crisis.

One of the newest additions is The Platform apartments in Eveleigh, Sydney, right on the doorstep of Carriageworks. The 88-unit development was completed last month and is reserved for key workers in low and medium income households. The Platform was built by City West, a developer established to build affordable housing in the City of Sydney local government area.

The kitchens are brand, spanking new.

Key workers are being defined as people who hold a position that is essential to the city’s operations. But essentially, it’s pretty much a ‘normal’ job. City West chief executive Janelle Goulding said key workers can be a probationary police constable, a fireman or a cadet journalist. She said key workers in the new development include cleaners, childcare centre workers and retail workers.

The tenants get a discount on the market rent and don’t pay more than a percentage of their income on their rent, depending on how much they earn.

Tenants on a household income of less than $33,106 will not pay more than 25 per cent of their income on their rent. Those on between $33,107 and $55,436 won’t pay more than 27.5 per cent while those earning between $55,437 and $94,274 won’t pay more than 30 per cent.

While $94,274 sounds like a lot of money, Ms Goulding pointed out that in Sydney, a couple with kids wouldn’t get a lot of mileage out of that kind of money.

So what would you pay under this scheme?

For example, a couple and child family on a household income of $80,000 will pay around $460 a week for a two-bedroom apartment. Market rent for two-bedroom apartments in the area of a similar quality and floorplan typically go for between $650 and $800 a week.

These apartments aren’t the rundown commissions you might associate with affordable housing. They’re brand new with good light and airflow and have enviable kitchens and bathrooms. The complex has 39 car spots while every unit gets a bike locker.

The bathroom in a one-bedroom apartment.

Torunn Higgins and her partner, Toby Burvill, moved into The Platform just over a week ago with their newborn daughter, Ronja. Ms Higgins and Mr Burvill are both in their early 30s and have spent the past 10 years in nearby Redfern with the last three years in a sharehouse with three friends.

Even though they both have tertiary degrees, the couple don’t work in high-paying occupations. She is a designer and runs a small toys and homewares business, Herbert & Friends, while he works in a bookshop in Surry Hills and is also a radio presenter and musician.

Ms Burvill told that the family is paying roughly half the market rent but that could change if their income changes.

Torunn and Toby moved in just over a week ago.

“Sydney has become increasingly unaffordable, particularly for lower-mid income brackets,” she said. “It’s breaking up communities as people are being priced-out and forced to move further away. It’s sad to see people displaced and areas that were once vibrant become homogenised. Initiatives such as this are amazing for keeping communities socially diverse and culturally rich.

“It’s pretty incredible that we can pay a capped portion of our income. With having a baby we couldn’t afford to stay in the area which is close to friends, family and work. I don’t think people are necessarily entitled to live close to work but it definitely makes a huge difference.”

Ms Goulding said affordable housing is very different from social housing. “We try to keep people in housing to keep them employed. We effectively keep them out of the social housing system. That’s really the difference for us. It’s really people who can’t afford to pay the sorts of rents demanded in the area.

The shared area out the back of the apartments. There’s also a roof terrace.

“Housing affordability is a growing problem and rents are becoming more and more expensive and people are being forced to move further and further away from the city. One of the people housed here is a woman that was travelling down from Gosford every day to maintain a low income role.”

However, as great as The Platform apartments are, the problem is being able to scale these sorts of projects. In 20 years, City West has built hundreds of units with another 500 units in development right now. But that makes little difference to the tens of thousands other families who are in housing stress.

Ms Goulding said: “I think we could probably double the quota of what we’ve got now without making a dent in Sydney.”

The Platform apartments were partly funded out the federal government’s Affordable Housing Fund and the National Rental Affordability Scheme. The NSW government, in its election campaign, also announced it had signed a memorandum of understanding with infrastructure bodies to try and fund a $1 billion social and affordable housing fund.

The apartments have cross-ventilation.

The apartments have cross-ventilation. Source: Supplied

Should there be more government action on providing affordable housing around the country?

In London, it’s mandated that 35 per cent of new developments be given to affordable housing, while in Amsterdam, nearly half of housing is social rented housing with 30 per cent of new builds to be social housing.

The highest rate in Sydney is a 2 per cent mandate in the City of Sydney. The new Lend Lease Barangaroo development in the CBD is to dedicate 2.3 per cent of its residential floors to affordable housing but the developer is, according to a Fairfax report, was in talks with other groups to build those units away from the ritzy and valuable development. However, Lend Lease denies this is the case and said it is still committed to building the 2.3 per cent affordable housing within the Barangaroo development.

However, Ms Goulding believes there are other ways to think about affordable housing in the long term. She floated more private investment, shared equity schemes and sale-and-lease programs as ideas that could also work.

“I think everyone has to think outside of the square for affordable housing. There are a lot of changes that are necessary. It’s demand and supply and there’s a supply problem although the state government is moving in the right direction in freeing up more land.

“I think we now have enough interest from the government and they’ll be a group of like-minded people who will contribute to that. You’ll see a lot of changes and more innovative thinking.”

What do you think? What kind of affordable housing options would you like there to be more of? Let us know in the comments below.

KYLIE2008 发表于 31-3-2015 22:47:44

最近NAB调整了他的pricing system
1m+   4.28%~4.35%
1.5m+ 4.25~4.28%
2m+ 4.23%左右

KYLIE2008 发表于 10-4-2015 00:38:37

有同学成功贷款,但贷款名字和我记录的名字不同, 若你是其中一位, 别忘settlement 之后同我联系:handshake

retirement 发表于 14-4-2015 22:38:11


KYLIE2008 发表于 14-4-2015 22:51:15

retirement 发表于 14-4-2015 21:38

不是啊, 我悉尼做的好, 因为悉尼的利率好
vic 那边的利率要比悉尼高一点

retirement 发表于 14-4-2015 23:01:41

KYLIE2008 发表于 14-4-2015 21:51
不是啊, 我悉尼做的好, 因为悉尼的利率好
vic 那边的利率要比悉尼高一点


catherinechen 发表于 15-4-2015 14:47:59

I have noticed my interest Rate is higher than sydney. ( NAB, variable, Brisbane).
I even asked very experienced broker, he though I have very good rate from NAB, suggest me stick with NAB.

KYLIE2008 发表于 18-4-2015 13:15:03

retirement 发表于 14-4-2015 22:01

不好意思, 最近比较忙, 没有及时回帖

是, 各地区不同, 目前接触的Vic 和 Brisbane , GC的利率都不如悉尼好。 现在西澳我都是给出建议, 需要的话我可以推荐banker, 但利率就不如悉尼这样有竞争力了

若方便的话, 本地办理
若就想降低利率的话, 不得不来悉尼, 因为银行的规矩, 一定要面见客户

KYLIE2008 发表于 18-4-2015 13:18:14

catherinechen 发表于 15-4-2015 13:47
I have noticed my interest Rate is higher than sydney. ( NAB, variable, Brisbane).
I even asked ve ...

从各银行的利率比较来看, nab 是最有竞争力的。 这是总体水平

目前, nab 本身的区域竞争也很激烈, 这就是为什么 VIC complain about NSW in their very aggressive rate

KYLIE2008 发表于 18-4-2015 13:21:08

昨天, 与银行update 最新指导利率, 重回

1.0m + 4.23%
(condition applys)
life time discount variable rate
plus $1000 for refinance clients over $300,000
two years annual fee waived


paultse 发表于 18-4-2015 19:26:49

KYLIE2008 发表于 18-4-2015 12:21
昨天, 与银行update 最新指导利率, 重回

1.0m + 4.23%


KYLIE2008 发表于 18-4-2015 19:35:07

paultse 发表于 18-4-2015 18:26
也是通过楼主介绍的,在VIC,根本就办不到这个,差远了。如果做得到,或者至少接近的话,早就签了。都是 ...

安慰一下, VIC的确做不到, 只是一个指导

所以我说NSW做的好。。。因为NSW 更有竞争力的rate, 也是为什么有的同学宁可到 NSW 来签合同
若给你带来不便, 抱歉了

KYLIE2008 发表于 18-4-2015 19:39:31

还有办妥的同学一定要记得同我update 你的真实名字,否则会延长时间或出现commission 方面的失误

如楼上同学所说,你一定要自己比较选择, 不要只听楼主一家之言, 选到你满意的rate再做决定

KYLIE2008 发表于 28-4-2015 23:55:26

最近新开发了CBA在mel的业务, 有需要的同学也可以咨询我
觉得CBA 的业务比较均衡, 悉尼和mel 利率相同,这样一来, CBA 就可以在利率上与NAB 竞争, 在悉尼, NAB 的利率优势是绝对的。。。

KYLIE2008 发表于 5-5-2015 23:08:37

The Reserve Bank cut rates to new record low of 2.00%.
Statement by Glenn Stevens, Governor: Monetary Policy Decision

At its meeting today, the Board decided to lower the cash rate by 25 basis points to 2.0 per cent, effective 6 May 2015.

The global economy is expanding at a moderate pace, but commodity prices have declined over the past year, in some cases sharply. These trends appear largely to reflect increased supply, including from Australia. Australia's terms of trade are falling nonetheless.

The Federal Reserve is expected to start increasing its policy rate later this year, but some other major central banks are stepping up the pace of unconventional policy measures. Hence, financial conditions remain very accommodative globally, with long-term borrowing rates for sovereigns and creditworthy private borrowers remarkably low.

In Australia, the available information suggests improved trends in household demand over the past six months and stronger growth in employment. Looking ahead, the key drag on private demand is likely to be weakness in business capital expenditure in both the mining and non-mining sectors over the coming year. Public spending is also scheduled to be subdued. The economy is therefore likely to be operating with a degree of spare capacity for some time yet. Inflation is forecast to remain consistent with the target over the next one to two years, even with a lower exchange rate.

Low interest rates are acting to support borrowing and spending, and credit is recording moderate growth overall, with stronger lending to businesses of late. Growth in lending to the housing market has been steady over recent months. Dwelling prices continue to rise strongly in Sydney, though trends have been more varied in a number of other cities. The Bank is working with other regulators to assess and contain risks that may arise from the housing market. In other asset markets, prices for equities and commercial property have been supported by lower long-term interest rates.

The Australian dollar has declined noticeably against a rising US dollar over the past year, though less so against a basket of currencies. Further depreciation seems both likely and necessary, particularly given the significant declines in key commodity prices.

At today's meeting, the Board judged that the inflation outlook provided the opportunity for monetary policy to be eased further, so as to reinforce recent encouraging trends in household demand.

三线忘淮 发表于 6-5-2015 18:41:01


KYLIE2008 发表于 6-5-2015 23:22:00

三线忘淮 发表于 6-5-2015 17:41

非常希望能帮助西澳人民得到最好的deal :P

KYLIE2008 发表于 7-5-2015 00:02:15

NAB & CBA 没有全额跟进 0.2% rate cute

cba $500,000+ 4.25%
nab $500,000+ 4.2%

三线忘淮 发表于 7-5-2015 02:24:40


KYLIE2008 发表于 7-5-2015 22:22:51

三线忘淮 发表于 7-5-2015 01:24
今天收到信了,说是给我4.75,是我快到期的银行westpac,看来还是换银行会好些,要换其他家的话,旧银行会 ...

discharge fee是一定要收的, 大概400多, 各银行都一样

换间银行,利率会下来, 一般银行会offer cash back to cover your fee from changing bank

三线忘淮 发表于 8-5-2015 13:47:15


三线忘淮 发表于 8-5-2015 14:15:44

楼主,再麻烦你一下,可以有推荐的banker 吗?我在西澳啊?不想跑一趟悉尼。更何况一趟都不知道能否搞定呢。谢啦!:handshake

KYLIE2008 发表于 8-5-2015 23:28:37

三线忘淮 发表于 8-5-2015 13:15
楼主,再麻烦你一下,可以有推荐的banker 吗?我在西澳啊?不想跑一趟悉尼。更何况一趟都不知道能否搞定呢 ...

你可以给我留个电话吗? 我到 nab 西澳分行帮你找找,你比较一下利率,看看有什么差距。
合适的话就继续, 都不受影响

另最近外地客户email可以签悉尼合同, 有条件限制
页: 1 2 [3] 4 5
查看完整版本: CBA 3.99% fixed rate, 1500 cashback until 6月2016