Poor students in school are notdenied chances to achievements, thanksto the fact that academicperformance is not the decisive factor for asuccessful adult life. Infact the list of contributing factors goes onand on, with qualitiesoften irrelevant to academic transcripts, suchas good working skillsand interpersonal relations skills, andendurance to pressure andfrustration.
3. Poor students, poor带贬义换成中性的disadvantaged students 比较好.
4. achievement是比较中性的词,简单的完成也可以算一种achievement. LZ应据自己要表达的意思在achievement前加一形容词.
5. is not the decisive ---> is not the only decisive
6.第一句,将thanks to 改为因果型的从句会比较顺.
7.In fact---> In fact,
8. contributing factors, 什么contributing factors? 需要在其前加适当的描述
9. goes on and on , 一般指,没完没了,带点贬义
10. irrelevant, 义为无关. LZ后面举了例子的确与成绩无关. LZ想讲是成绩不能反映那些方面吧.
11. interpersonal relations skills --> interpersonal skills. Interpersonal中的inter-已经含relation的意思了,再加relations就成累赘了.
12. Academic transcripts, 成绩单,--> academic results, 成绩
12. 第二句其实应改成从句,这样结构上会没有那么松散, 譬如: In fact, to attain a successful adultlife, a person's qualities, which are rarely reflected through one'sacademic results, must not be ignored. 另外,由于下文没有讨论列出的skills,所以删去.
Primarily, the definition of so-called good and poor studentsismisleading. The only piece of criteria seems to be students’testscores, which is by no means genuine reflection of personalabilities.Those who become artists, scientists or politicians could allbe thepoor students in school. Even Thomas Edison was regarded by histeacheras “intellectually handicapped”.
2.删 so-called, 太过口语化.
3.poor students,LZ到底是想讲贫困生,还是讲成绩不好的学生?从文段上猜应为后者吧.
4. piece of criteria --> criterion, criteria 为criterion的复数形式
5. be 后加the
6. 第二句从句用得不错,稍微调整一下即可,如: At school, it seems that the only criterion onjudging a student's ability is his or her test scores, which by nomeans can genuiely reflect the student's true ability.
Even if the theory of discriminating good students from pooronesstands, it is undeniable that poor students enjoy certainhelpfultraits which good students lack. For instance, they tend toexpect lessand would be more willing to “start low”, thus open tomoreopportunities. Also, since they have had the experience ofgettinglower scores in school, they would usually be more resilienttopressure and frustrations in work. Good students, on the otherhand,often too used to compliments, could find it hard to lowertheirexpectations or cope with adverse situations.
2. 第一句前半句过于唐突.
4. 第一句过于绝对,不是所有的xxxx生都有xxxx的有点或缺xxxxx.应适当地修饰一下.
5. helpful traits? trait,义为一个人性格上的特点,有帮助性的特点? 有助与人生的特性吧,如是,则需要修改了.
6. open --> are open
8. Also,---> In addition,
9. in work--> at work
9. 第三句不合理.成绩低,工作抗压性就高?
10. often too --> often are too
11. On the other hand ,提到句头, good students 与 compliments那部分用从句合在一起, or --> and
Last but not least, the distinct differences between school lifeandadult life mean that students start on the same ground again whentheygraduate and commence adult lives. In most societies whereeducation isexamination-oriented, school serves as a place for childrento betaught science and arts related subjects, such as math, chemistry,andpainting etc.; while adult life centers on work and socialactivities.Needless to say there is little overlap between the two,therefore theadvantage of good students fade in adult life, whereworking skills andinterpersonal relations skills are vital.
1. 开头段没有清晰地阐明观点, 上面两段的论证没有连接好, 到了这一段文章的结构就更散了.
2. Last but not least ---> Last but not the least
3. 什么distinct differences?上文提出的那些吗?如是,则加above.而且以上文推断应是学生特性的不同,而不是学校及成年后生活的不同吧,上文没有讨论生活的不同,只有讨论学生特性上的不同.把学生那部分调前.
4. commence adult lives ---> commence their adult lives
5. In most societies ---> In most societies,
6. serves ---> only serves
7. math ---> mathematics或maths
8. etc. --> etc
10. Needless to say, 语气过于主观
11.the two --> these two
12.什么advantage? academic advantage? 删the, advantage 改复数.
13. 上文的观点牵强,没有论证支持,整断显得语意比较乱.
As it is apparent, those more likely to succeed in their adult livesareones that are strong enough to overcome setbacks and developgoodworking skills and interpersonal relations skills, regardless oftheirscores in school.
1.此段为结尾总结,所以用词上要体现此为总结段, as it is apparent 没有这个效果.
2. those more ---> those who are more
3. are ones --> are the ones
最后, 以题目来看,人家要考的其实是nature vs. nurture. 而LZ讨论的是学生在校成绩高低与成年后成功与否无关. 写了这么多,结果, 跑题了. 唉, 审题不清,文章再好,分数也不会高啊. |