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[维州+塔岛] 9 Days walking at Tasmania in Dec 2010 and 2013/2014?

发表于 30-11-2010 11:31:42 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 bushwalker 于 22-8-2013 15:12 编辑

Australia's best walking trails

Source //www.news.com.au/

WHETHER it's to get away from the hustle and bustle or to get in touch with nature, walking is cheap, easy and a great way to keep active.

So drag those sneakers out from the back of the closet, because here's your chance to walk the walk in the best the country has to offer.


Sydney's Great Coastal Walk

Over seven days this 100km walk between Palm Beach and Cronulla will remind you why Sydney's coastline is so spectacular – and make you wonder why you didn't do it sooner.

Opened officially in mid-2008, there are so many highlights along the way other than the beautiful beaches and ocean views. Be sure to explore Barrenjoey Lighthouse, completed in 1881; stop at Manly for cake and coffee as a well-deserved treat; and cool down with a swim at Bondi and Coogee Beaches.

If you can't do it end-to-end, create your own mini-adventure by choosing just a section of the
track to conquer – whether it be a day-trip, a few days, or just an afternoon outing with a picnic.
Many points along the way are accessible by public transport.

Six Foot Track, Blue Mountains

Follow the 45km trail of Australia's fifth largest marathon. It follows the original 1884 horse track that was created to take tourists from Katoomba to Jenolan Caves.

Over three days, wind up and down hills through rainforest, eucalypt forests and open-grazing
country. Pretty waterfalls, caves, rivers, sandstone cliffs and green valleys will catch your attention on the way. Set up camp at each of the three campsites along the track and enjoy the sights,smells and sounds of the wilderness at night.

Keep an eye out for kangaroos, echidnas, wombats and possums – and snakes too. When you
arrive at Jenolan Caves, be sure to take a tour of one of the finest and oldest cave systems in the
world to top it off.


Great Ocean Walk

Over the 100km Great Ocean Walk that hugs Victoria's stunning southern coastline, there are a
range of walks on offer to tease you – from easy circuits you can conquer in less than an hour to
more difficult one-way hikes that will steal you away for a few hours at a time.

The track flows in such a way that hikers can choose short walk, day walk or overnight walk

The western end finishes just 1.5km short of the 12 Apostles visitor area, where spectacular
coastline views will take your breath away – or else a climb to the top of the cliffs will.
The eastern end finishes near a range of modern restaurants and cafes so you can celebrate with
a delightful feast.

Throughout the Great Ocean Walk the remarkable natural wonders it's renowned for – the lakes,
waterfalls, beaches, national parks, cliffs and lookouts offering sweeping views – will make you
wonder why you didn't do it sooner.



The Bay of Fires Walk

If you're a beach-lover, then this is the walk for you. Over four days, meander along the pure white sands of Tasmania's north-east coast at the edge of Mt William National Park.

Extending from Binalong Bay to Eddystone Point, the Bay of Fires walk will lead you over shellcovered beaches, alongside rocky headlands, and past sand dunes and Aboriginal middens (shell
and bone desposits).

At the end of each day, set up camp and reward yourself with a swim in the ocean to refresh and
recharge. Otherwise, relax and bird-watch or try your hand at some fishing to see if you can
provide a tasty seafood dinner for the night.

Fall asleep to the sound of waves rolling in and get up with the sun to continue the trail tomorrow.

If camping cramps your style but you don't want to miss out – there is a lodge-based, guided tour

Dove Lake, Cradle Mountain National Park

Enjoy this rather easy 7.5km walk around Dove Lake, a glacial lake sitting at the base of Cradle

A very popular wilderness walk in Tasmania, this two-hour circuit follows a raised boardwalk
winding its way through rainforest and past quartzite beaches, and past a variety of native plants,
ancient myrtles and the deciduous beech. In late autumn, the beech's leaves turn gold and
copper before they are shed for the winter ahead, creating a fascinating display for visitors.
Along the way, the spectacular views up to Cradle Mountain will repeatedly steal your attention. As
a beautiful and gentle walk, this is the perfect trail for all ages and fitness levels.

[ 本帖最后由 bushwalker 于 26-12-2010 20:04 编辑 ]


参与人数 3威望 +90 收起 理由
旗开得胜 + 20 你太有才了!
Viola + 50 谢谢分享!
KYLIE2008 + 20 谢谢分享!



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 楼主| 发表于 30-11-2010 11:32:18 | 只看该作者
I am going to walk some tracks such as

Loop track at Freycinet National Park
The Bay of Fires Walk at Mount William Nationla Park
part of Overland Track at Cradle Mountains-Lake St Clair National Park

before Christmas 2010 to get preliminary experience in completing OVERLAND TRACK in Dec 2011 and Dec 2014. OVERLAND TRACK of TAS is obvious different from the finest track in the world: MILFORD TRACK of New Zealand where I walked in Dec 2006 and Dec 2009 with my mate.

[ 本帖最后由 bushwalker 于 30-11-2010 12:13 编辑 ]


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
Viola + 50 谢谢分享!



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 楼主| 发表于 30-11-2010 11:32:35 | 只看该作者
Updated information

[ 本帖最后由 bushwalker 于 30-11-2010 12:14 编辑 ]

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发表于 30-11-2010 11:40:42 | 只看该作者

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发表于 30-11-2010 11:41:30 | 只看该作者

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发表于 30-11-2010 12:05:56 | 只看该作者
澳洲这种过夜的trek唯一不爽就是管太严了,要事先预定,还要每天定点到营地。所以我过夜的一次都没走过 TAS的那条,我是从两头出发都小走过半天到一天左右,那个不用预订。


参与人数 1威望 +8 收起 理由
bushwalker + 8 Many thanks for information



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发表于 30-11-2010 12:18:26 | 只看该作者

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发表于 30-11-2010 12:31:59 | 只看该作者
原帖由 cello 于 30-11-2010 12:05 发表
澳洲这种过夜的trek唯一不爽就是管太严了,要事先预定,还要每天定点到营地。所以我过夜的一次都没走过 TAS的那条,我是从两头出发都小走过半天到一天左右,那个不用预订。


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发表于 30-11-2010 12:45:30 | 只看该作者
原帖由 cello 于 30-11-2010 12:05 发表
澳洲这种过夜的trek唯一不爽就是管太严了,要事先预定,还要每天定点到营地。所以我过夜的一次都没走过 TAS的那条,我是从两头出发都小走过半天到一天左右,那个不用预订。

无规矩不成方圆,为了保护塔斯马尼亚独特的生态环境,个人的不便还是值得的 - 如果不用预订,而且可以随便安营扎寨,结局可想而知

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发表于 30-11-2010 13:07:26 | 只看该作者
是啊, 管理严格是对生命的保护。去年走我们只是当日往返,都还有登记,看到很多登记过最多5,6晚,也不知道他们如何过,一个大背包如何装得下6天的补给。。不得不佩服的五体投地。。。

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发表于 30-11-2010 13:08:55 | 只看该作者

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发表于 30-11-2010 18:57:55 | 只看该作者
原帖由 KYLIE2008 于 2010-11-30 12:07 发表
是啊, 管理严格是对生命的保护。去年走我们只是当日往返,都还有登记,看到很多登记过最多5,6晚,也不知道他们如何过,一个大背包如何装得下6天的补给。。不得不佩服的五体投地。。。

可能带的都是压缩饼干?换洗衣服都是快干就好了,CAMPING GEARS都是超轻和一人份的,应该没问题的

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发表于 30-11-2010 20:51:36 | 只看该作者

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发表于 30-11-2010 20:53:44 | 只看该作者



参与人数 1威望 +2 收起 理由
旗开得胜 + 2 你太有才了!



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 楼主| 发表于 2-12-2010 14:57:39 | 只看该作者
Finally got all necessary track maps of Tasmania at Mapworld Sydney  today.

Two days walking in Freycinel Peninsula and other two days in Cralde Mountain- Lake St Clair (part of overland track) are scheduled.

[ 本帖最后由 bushwalker 于 2-12-2010 22:20 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 14-12-2010 23:49:38 | 只看该作者
We are heading to hike in Tasmania tomorrow, the last one in Australia, in 2010

and would join Melbourehiking Club in January 8/9 2011 for 维省东北部Mt Howitt的登山徒步之旅.


[ 本帖最后由 bushwalker 于 15-12-2010 00:22 编辑 ]


参与人数 1威望 +20 收起 理由
KYLIE2008 + 20 谢谢分享!



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发表于 14-12-2010 23:57:20 | 只看该作者

Merry Christmas

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发表于 15-12-2010 06:20:00 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 24-12-2010 01:20:52 | 只看该作者
Tasmania is the paradies for bushwalking/hiking.

We just had 9 days walkiing, inculding 17/60 "Discovery Tasmania 60 Great Short Walks", numbers of unfamous tracks, and part of Overland Track at Cardle Mountain Lake St Clair National Park, among of the Tasmanian Wildness World Heritage Area.

The Overland Track is comparable to so-called finest track in the world: Milford Track of New Zealand where I walked with different mates in Dec 2006 and Dec 2009. It would be great if we could make in Dec 2011 and Dec 2014.

[ 本帖最后由 bushwalker 于 26-12-2010 20:39 编辑 ]


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
Viola + 50 恭喜你!



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发表于 24-12-2010 06:25:03 | 只看该作者
可否考虑明年圣诞 overland 后年 Milford track?

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发表于 24-12-2010 07:22:11 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 26-12-2010 20:09:22 | 只看该作者
Details of 9 days walking

Day one
Walking in Mt Wellington and Sandy Bay of Hobart.

Day two
Walking on the oldest bridge in Australia: Richmond Bridge;
Pirates Bay at Tessellated Pavement Reserve Park; Tasman Blohole, Tasman Arch and Deviles Kitchen of Waterfall Bay; Port Arthur and Spiky Bridge near Swansea.

Day three
Walking in Swansea; Friendly beaches; Honeymoon Bay, Mt Amos track and Wineglass Bay of Freycinet National Park at Freycinet Peninsula.

Day four
Walking in Moulting Lagoon Game Reserve and Freycinet National Park.

Day five
Walking in Douglas Apsley National Park and Bay of Fires Conservation Area.

Day six
Walking in Halls Falls, St Columba Falls (State Reserve), The Nut and highland of Stanley.

Day seven
Walking in Wilmot Valley, Cradle Valley of Cradle Mountain Lake St Clair NP including Dove Lake Circuit, Dove Canyon and part of the Overland track.

Day eight
Had a busy day starting at 5:10 AM, walking in Crater Lake Circuit, Mt Marions lookout, part of Overland track at Cradle Mountain Lake St Clair NP; part of Penguim Gradle Trial; Nelson Falls; St Clair Lagoon.

Day nine
Had half day walking in Lake St Clair, the end of Overland track before heading to Tall Trees, Russell Falls and Lake Dobson of Mt Field National Park for another half day.

starting #326 of Sydneyhiking Club

[ 本帖最后由 bushwalker 于 16-10-2012 11:52 编辑 ]


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
Viola + 50 谢谢分享!



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发表于 31-12-2010 20:11:44 | 只看该作者



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 楼主| 发表于 20-12-2012 22:00:54 | 只看该作者
TAS is always good place to visit in summer, regardless of walking or driving and ......

As I knew there are several parties who are leaving for TAS soon.   Have a  safe driving (especially in the evening).

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 楼主| 发表于 22-8-2013 16:10:59 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 bushwalker 于 22-8-2013 15:21 编辑

Some friends of mine will go these 9 days walks (Dec 27 2013 - Jan 7 2014) of TAS

Promontory Lake, Eastern Arthurs and F ederation Peak

Scotts Peak Dam –Seven Mile Creek – Kappa Morraine – Promontory Lake – Centaurus Ridge – Crags of Andromeda – Lucifer Ridge – Luckmans Lead – Goon Moor – Hanging Lake – Federation Peak (weather permitting)- Farmhouse Creek

This high level traverse will take us into the heart of the South West NP and it’s stunning wilderness. Terrain will be challenging with many steep ascents and descents, frequent exposure, much pack hauling, scrambling up and down tree roots and rocks, all whilst carrying a 20 kilo pack.
A note about the weather. Chapman states, “The Eastern Arthur Range receives some of the worst weather in Tasmania. Violent storms and snowfalls occur each summer and can last for several days.

Cold wet conditions is expected (Numerous bad weather days planned!) But, if ‘huey’ smiles upon us, rewards and satisfaction will be enormous. Views of rugged ranges that  go on and on, beautiful lakes and towering crags.

It would be great time to walk in TAS for this period,  but unfortunately I have only 2 legs, My feet will be on the other tracks of .........  

The information on Eastern Arthurs
The Federation Peak has been described as the mecca for Australia’s hard-core bushwalkers, with its dramatic rocky spire, remote location and difficult ascent adding to the allure. Reaching the summit used to require month-long scrub-bashing approaches, air-drops of supplies and other expeditionary preparations. Nowadays there are a number of different access options, with the most popular being the return trip into the Arthurs from Scotts Peak Dam via sections of the Port Davey and McKays Track. Increased traffic has reduced scrub and eased navigation, although it is all relative - nothing here is easy! Less than half of those who come to climb the peak reach the summit, with the atrocious weather and difficult final ascent preventing success. But people are drawn by the chance to lose themselves in one of Australia’s great wildernesses, testing themselves to reach the top with its view of jagged peaks, glacial lakes and wild river valleys as far as the eye can see.

As it’s a return walk, there aren’t any surprises in store on the way back, and the first and last days of walking are unexciting. The track is muddy, rough and steep, with pack-hauling necessary, and much of the walk is exposed to the full brunt of the famously awful weather - it’s not an area for the faint-hearted or inexperienced. Snow, horizontal rain and other hazardous conditions are common, and allowing 10 to 12 days will increase your chances. The final ascent to the summit requires 200 m of rockclimbing above a 600 m drop to Lake Geeves, a fall resulting in certain death. But it’s one of the country’s real bushwalking challenges, traversing a wild area of rugged peaks, small open moors and scattered lakes over which the iconic peak looms. How can you say no?

The route is serviced by public transport in summer, adding to its popularity. Another common route is a harder walk of similar length from Scotts Peak to Farmhouse Creek. The Eastern and Western Arthurs’ routes can also be combined into a grand tour taking 14 to 18 days for the walking alone


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发表于 22-8-2013 18:41:47 | 只看该作者
bushwalker 发表于 22-8-2013 15:10
Some friends of mine will go these 9 days walks (Dec 27 2013 - Jan 7 2014) of TAS

Promontory Lak ...


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 楼主| 发表于 22-8-2013 20:55:37 | 只看该作者
holi 发表于 22-8-2013 17:41

据说东西Arthur 比Overland track 还要漂亮和难。要不2014我你圆月老道等去走一趟。

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发表于 22-8-2013 21:46:23 | 只看该作者
bushwalker 发表于 22-8-2013 19:55
据说东西Arthur 比Overland track 还要漂亮和难。要不2014我你圆月老道等去走一趟。

east Arthur 好弄一点,不行原路返回,而west Arthur 回头和前进一样难,不过可以抄近路回。我今年不行,明年应该可以,只是一年半都没走了,重了10kg,要找机会减肥,练一下了,现在忙于骑山地车。如果可以,明年你就组织吧,我估计圆月,老道,tony 之类都有兴趣。

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 楼主| 发表于 23-8-2013 13:26:07 | 只看该作者
holi 发表于 22-8-2013 20:46
east Arthur 好弄一点,不行原路返回,而west Arthur 回头和前进一样难,不过可以抄近路回。我今年不行, ...

Let us make in 2014.

Both of Eastern and Western Arthur are great and challenging and good fitness are necessary.

Some photos from other walkers.


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