Following information extracted from ........
Almost had a "prefect" great 3 days/2 nights "Great North Walk" from Somersby Trackhead to Watagen Creek (Congewai Valley).
Four of us (Tammy, Deric, Katie and I) walked for day one and two, and eight (four plus hohoho family and Wendy) walked on day three.
Day one: We walked 27 KM (ascent 800 M and descent 1000 M) for 7.5 hours including half hour for lunch and coffee break and another half hour for cleaning leechs due to heavy rain, stayed at cottage having mooncakes for chinese middle fall festive.
Day two: walked 19.3 KM (ascent 500 M and descent 400 M) for ca 4 hours including two minutes break for drinking beer, had BBQ at Hunter Valley.
Day three, we only walked 12.3 KM (ascent 550 M and descent 710 M) for 3.3 hours and missed 15.5 KM track to Congewai Valley due to unexpected event.
We are certainly fit enoguh for Great Ocean Walk of 104 KM of Vicotora within (4-5 days) and Milford Track of NZ easily in this December.
[ 本帖最后由 bushwalker 于 5-7-2012 22:14 编辑 ] |