原帖由 stonebreaker 于 7-2-2012 17:45 发表
Please note Western Australian state sponsorship is not transferable to any other State or Territory in Australia.
Applicants using Western Australian state sponsorship ar ...
请问这是在哪里看到这段话的? 为什么我收到的WA州担保书上不是这样写的呢? 没有看到"Applicants using Western Australian state sponsorship are required to live in Western Australia for at least the first 2 years after visa grant."呀...
Please note Western Australia Government sponsorship is not automatically transferable to any other State or Territory in Australia. You are required to seek the endorsement of the Small Business Development Corporation before making any plans to relocate to any other State or Territory in Australia.
In addition, you will need to seek the approval of the Small Business Development Corporation before making any changes in the commitments made in your application in preparation for sponsorship of your permanent residency visa.
然后附了一份STATE SPONSORSHIP AGREEMENT, 上面的commitment是这样的:
1. You remain living and working in Western Australia;
2. You keep the Western Australia Government informed of your contact details after your arrival;
3. You complete a settlement survey every six months for a period of 24 months; and
4, You transfer around A$35000 into Western Australia for living costs and domestic arrangements.
翻遍了也没有看到要first 2 years呀... 所以这里想问一下各位大侠, 根据以上收到的州担保书和commitment的内容, 是不是可以先去别的州工作, 然后在签证的最后2年到西澳呆着就可以了? 如果这样做了, 会对签证到期后转RRV或者以后的入籍有影响吗?