楼主 |
发表于 8-4-2009 19:00:09
13 March 2009
In reply please quote:
Primary Applicant: ***
Application Type: Class VE, subclass 175 Skilled - Independent
Permission Request ID: ***
Client ID: ***
Lodgement Date: 03 April 2008
Case Officer: ROWAN TEDGE
13 March 2009分的CO,08/04/2009收到一封信,让交语言费,提供护照信息这了的东西。
I refer to this application for a Class VE, subclass 175 Skilled (Migrant) Independent visa, received
on 3rd April 2008.
I am writing to advise that this application for migration to Australia is nearing completion.
A decision as to whether or not visas will be granted for travel to Australia will be made once all of
the requirements listed in this letter have been addressed satisfactorily.
At time of writing, this application has not been finalised and visas have not been granted. Applicants
are cautioned not to give up a job, dispose of property, or make other arrangements, until notified that
the application has been approved and visas granted.
Initial Entry Date
If all requirements are met and visas are granted, all applicants will be required to make at least an
initial entry to Australia on these visas by no later than – **/**/****
Information about visa evidencing
A list of Australian overseas missions is available at the Department’s website. Please note that not all
Australian missions overseas have visa evidencing facilities. If unable to attend an Australian overseas
mission in person, applicants should check with the mission for other arrangements.这是啥意思? |