“Stale Mates”中這段文字相當漂亮:
The tea in the cups shone faintly, in each cup a floating silver dish swaying slightly with the movement of the boat. Her face and white-clad shoulders were blue-rimmed with moonlight. It stunned him how she could look just the same when so much had happened.
「秀才英文」就是把話說得規規矩矩,說某某有錢不是說rich就是wealthy,不會說成with deep pockets或loaded(with money)的。因此按道理說,張愛玲的英文,如果僅用於叙事,不會吃什麼「虧」。看她的英文著作或翻譯自己的作品,感覺到她偶然力不從心的地方,是小說人物的對白。有時話說得太一板一眼了。在美國以Waiting(《等待》)一書成名的Ha Jin(哈金),用並非母語的英文寫作,在這方面也像張愛玲一樣的「捉襟見肘」。我在〈輪迴轉生:張愛玲的中英互譯〉一文有詳細的交代,這裏不多說了。