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本人于2月24日递交ACS评估申请,在经历官方承诺的12周之后总算看到了网上显示Case Finalize。
Unfortunately,一天。。。两天。。。信箱空空。。。昨天打电话给11185,那头说信件投递去了“上海宝山”(既不是本人家也不是公司),当时也没多想,就再等等吧。结果今天还是没有,继续11185,查到宝山电话,竟然说根据那个邮件号码无法追踪(那还要这个号码合用?!),继续11185投诉,半小时之后,被告知由于地址错误,信件与28日退回,且无法追踪! Oh My...
1) 尽量online申请,避免工作人员录入表格数据出错的较大可能性。
2) 收到co发来的“Registered Post Notification”时,马上回mail给co确认address。
3) 建议后来的筒子在做材料的时候,一定要做两个address label,并强烈要求CO直接用此label(有筒子说此招无效,仅供参考)。
4) 时间紧迫的朋友还是自己联系CO让快递去取RL,但是好像要在WA之前,据说WA的时候RL已经寄出了。
5) WA后一周既不是就CF了,这时应该有邮件No,记得去http://intmail.183.com.cn追踪,一般到国内后就可以追踪到,而且第二天应该收到(大中城市市区的话),所以第二天一定要打11185追踪,以便万一地址有误可以及时发现,想办法去拦截。
Keep waiting for my RL...
//Updated 1st June.
今天一早收到Pepa Tasi的email,附上了pdf版的RL,并且同意写上中文地址和我的手机号码,总算放心了。。。
//Updated 10th June.
无奈之下亲自扫荡CHINA POST,终于告一段落了。。。
24th Feb, 09: DHL paper submit
26th Feb, 09: Signed by Margo
3rd Mar, 09: RN
20th Mar, 09: IP
15th May, 09: WA (Pepa Tasi)
21th May, 09: RPN
26th May, 09: CF
28th May, 09: Failed to get RL!!! (Be sent back to AU)
01st Jun, 09: e-RL (2231-79(C/C++))
10th Jun, 09: Paper-RL
//Updated 22nd June.
--- In charge of C/C++ software development in Hardware Control(aaa,bbb,ccc etc.)
--- In charge of design and implement the xxx System and yyy system with C/C++ based on a, b, c technology.
--- Responsible for multimedia application development with C++/MFC on Windows Platforms, including xyz (a SDK, B SDK、C SDK and DirectShow SDK)
--- Coding for Client-Server control applications (based on TCP-IP and RS-232/422 protocol), and developing some applications in database which is based on Sql Server 2000.
--- Responsible for leading a group of talented software engineers to design, code, and maintain applications.
--- Communicate with clients, team counterparts and the manager. Cope with some project communication and management problems.
Project description::
Mr. Yang’s duties and roles on this project:
• In charge of requirement analysis and created use cases
• Optimize the previous xxx Module with Microsoft aaa SDK + DirectShow SDK and reprogram the Client application
• Implement unit test, host test, integration test, troubleshooting and issue fixing
The software technologies used by Mr. Yang on this project:
• Rational Rose 2003
• Microsoft Viso 2003
• Microsoft Project 2003
• Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2003
• Microsoft Visual SourceSafe 6.0
• Windows Media9 Format SDK
• Microsoft DirectShow SDK
//Updated 05th Nov.
补充一下我的cover letter:
(For Mr. xxx’s ACS Skills Assessment for ASCO2231-79 (C/C++), February 25th, 2009)
Dear Sir or Madam:
This is regarding ACS Skills Assessment application with the required documentsas following:
1. Cover letter (this document)
2. A completed application form for Australian Computer SocietySkills Assessment
3. A birth certificate
4. A certified copy of graduation certificate for Bachelor;
5. A certified copy of Bachelor's Degree;
6. A certified copy of academic transcript from Shanghai University;
7. Reference letter from A and attachedbusiness card;
8. Reference letter from B;
9. Reference letter from C;
10. Resume;
I promise that all the above documentsare fully prepared and all the information in them are correct and up-to-date.
If you want more information, please don't hesitate tocontact me upon the address below:
[ 本帖最后由 MillerYang 于 5-11-2009 11:10 编辑 ] |