
楼主 |
发表于 28-4-2009 10:14:33
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我房东用的是: 7.5 Kg Front Load Washer with LED Display WFS1273BW
http://www.whirlpool.com.au/app. ... tid/11/prodid/30991
厂商页面的那个手册的链接是一个死链接, 专门下载手册的页面,要求输入服务号码,房东的洗衣机安装靠墙,我真的去看了,看不到!!! 随便找了一本相类似的手册,拿来参考一下:
http://www.whirlpool.com/assets/ ... se%20and%20Care.pdf
When is a pre-wash program necessary?
Only when your laundry is very dirty.
What causes those fuzzy balls on some clothing?
Many synthetic clothes shed small fibres that ball up and cling to the clothes. Remove these "pills," if you like, with a fuzz-removing device that is available from many department stores. Overloading your washer can make this condition worse.
Where does the lint from my washer go?
If your washer doesn't have a lint filter that you manually clean, the lint goes down the drain. This is usually safe for both city sewers and septic systems.
Why do some clothing dealers suggest washing clothes inside out?
In the washer, the clothes often turn inside out during the agitation cycle. Turning the clothes inside out first may be easier on the clothing. It helps limit abrasion on the "good" side of the fabric, reducing "pilling" and extending the life of some fabrics such as corduroy. In addition, any embroidery, decals, and so on are better preserved. It should not affect the performance of the cleaning action to have the clothes inside out during wash. |