题目是“医生认为国人缺乏体育锻炼,给出原因,还有解决方法”。我按照PRR常用的套路,先以引述题目开头,"The phenomenon that ... become part of the modern urban life.",然后就是具体阐述,没有给出观点。第二段还是继续详细列举该Problem的情景,最后一句话"The question is why?"引出下面的原因。第三段开头一句套话,"Social scientists have product various theories to explain this phenomenon. In my opinion, contributing elements could be enumerated..."然后就是"Firstly...Secondly...Finally"三个原因,我列举了1.大城市里面的人工作安排太紧,没有时间去锻炼;2.一天的工作之后身心疲惫,没有motivation去锻炼了;(写到这里的时候我发现我写的太狭隘了,国人不只是上班的人还有普通人群)然后第3.社区缺乏必要的锻炼设施,It is inconvenient to join a club for recreation,(词用得不是很到位,我自己也知道)。
这时候我发现时间不太够了,我还没有写解决办法,于是马上跳出原因说明,考虑到字数已经差不多了,所以最后一段直接写方法。开头"How should this problem be addressed?"然后简单地列举了三个,调整工作时间、定期举办运动会、增加设备的投入等。但是没有时间展开了,所以结尾收得很草。
其实LZ 这个话题用一些数字作为例子很好的 如果是我会这么写:the competion in current sociey is so stiff that most of us feel (extremely) stressful // the time spent on exercise is so limited. Additionally,According to a recent survey/investigation demonstrated by a group of outstanding sociologists , statistics indicate that (这个时候可以自己编写个数据) 67 percent people rarely participate in physical exercise/ 或者写一个事实: show that an increasing number of people prefer to watch television at home rather than do some exercise. In my point of view, that is the reason why a large amount of residents encounter various physical problems.
偶也在准备考雅思,发现作文确实是最难拿分的一项了 LZ毅力值得敬佩 加油!!!
其实LZ 这个话题用一些数字作为例子很好的 如果是我会这么写:the competion in current sociey is so stiff that most of us feel (extremely) stressful // the time spent on exercise is so limited. Addi ...