请教各位啦,谢谢!作者: Jen 时间: 23-11-2011 22:55
宝宝不对奶制品过敏的话,最早8个月起就可以给起司了。刚开始的时候给稍微淡一点的,像Colby, Jack和American. 看宝宝的手指能力,如果已经可以抓拾东西,那就可以直接切成小块给他吃,如果还不会,那就和着其他的菜粥或者肉粥煮好给他吃。
原文:Cheese is very good for baby and may be introduced as early as 8 months providing there are no dairy allergies; start by offering the lighter tasting cheeses (Colby, Jack, American).
If baby cannot mash/grasp, melt cheeses over vegetables or add to veggie/meat purees. If baby can mash/grasp and has had Baby Finger Foods, cut cheeses into small bits and offer to baby as a snack.
Cheeses also may be offered via the old classic grilled cheese sandwich or mac-n-cheese – again, this will be dependant on how baby is with mashing/grasping other foods.作者: lidongdong 时间: 24-11-2011 16:43
我的是十个半月开始吃的,在Coles买的Laughing Cow的light,每天开始吃半块,如果没拉肚子的话就准备慢慢加量.Vaalia也有针对六个月和一岁大的婴儿酸奶,也可以试试.作者: caterpillar599 时间: 25-11-2011 16:00
我觉得要看每个孩子的成长情况而定.开始从六个月到一岁以后都可以.大概六个月的时候,如果小孩看着大人吃东西流口水很多,说明小孩对其他食物感兴趣了,可以尝试着吃点不同的婴儿食品.如果不吃也没关系,到一岁以后开始都来得及的.作者: fayadou_513 时间: 26-11-2011 01:58