虽然其实一年用不到几次,但是有时候还是挺有用的。作者: zoek 时间: 3-11-2011 12:32
mine tomtom always asks me turn left & right then left & right and then left & right again, never offered straight way seems = =! it once asked me to turn when there was no way, once led me to dead lane, many times wanna drag to no-entry one way = =!
CRAZY !!!作者: zergling_zzh 时间: 4-11-2011 00:06
Google maps就挺好使的啊,我有个GPS,不过还是觉得手机带的Google Map好用,除了导航,还可以看到交通拥堵的信息。作者: Microhard 时间: 5-11-2011 20:56
tomtom, garmin, igo都在手机里,igo用的最多,因为地图,软件更新快。作者: maggiehiking 时间: 23-11-2011 08:41
google了下,可是是不是只能用再ipone上呢?作者: 妮南 时间: 23-11-2011 11:38 标题: 回复 #9 maggiehiking 的帖子 电脑internet上可以google map,搜索自己要去的方向与路线。