作者: princemartin 时间: 15-10-2011 22:16
370的价钱是每人还是怎样?为什么要再找个partner?规定的么?作者: taomiaoying 时间: 16-10-2011 15:43
HA, that's right -- 370 per person. A solo-jump can be fun but that will be wonderful to find a friend or more to share this interesting event...
作者: gonewiththewind 时间: 17-10-2011 19:38
而且我很怀疑到时候没有勇气往下跳。。。作者: taomiaoying 时间: 17-10-2011 21:33
i c, you may try indoor skydiving first, $55 ( when you are in SYD / Cairns)