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本人国内工科学士, 南澳担保,Quality Assurance Manager. 专业与提名不相干.
Vetassess 网上政策可以职业评估, 只要过去5年内有3年是这份工作.
Diac 有一句话: Note: If your qualifications are not in a relevant field to your nominated occupation and you want to claim points, the assessing authority will be unable to provide advice to the department. In these circumstances, the department will make a determination of how many points will be awarded to your qualifications.
根据这层意思Vetassess 不能给我的学历评分, 到时加分与否掌握在CO手里!!
本人致电Vetassess, 工作人员跟她经理讨论后说只要职业评估通过, 有学士学位,他们可以为我给Diac建议我的学历加分15分.
然后又致电Diac, 回复不能给我明确保证一定会给分, 说以前经常抱怨移民局在规定上太严格,现在有些政策就Flexible 了. 加不加只有等提交审理才知道!
我觉得这是个不负责任的讲法! CO难道可以随便裁定? 请问各位大虾我这种情况能得到学历上加分吗? |