
标题: 工作招聘在减少吗? [打印本页]

作者: bluemntn    时间: 23-6-2011 23:32
标题: 工作招聘在减少吗?
主流报纸够贵, 本人不常买报纸读, 平时只是取一些免费的中文报纸读.

近来偶然读报, 翻到工作招聘版面, 吃惊地发现工作招聘的版面大幅度地减少了. 这是我的偶然发现吗? 这对我们正在找工作或换工作的人来说, 可不是什么好消息啊.
作者: bluemntn    时间: 23-6-2011 23:35
在一个主流网站上, 看到如下人口统计的新闻:

There were almost 22.5 million people living in Australia on December 31, an increase of 325,500 or 1.5 per cent.

The national population growth has slowed to its lowest level in four years.

Net migration - 171,100 people - accounted for more than half of the national increase, compared to a natural increase of 154,400 people. However, net migration was 35 per cent lower than in 2009.

The WA population increase was 2.1 per cent, ahead of the Australian Capital Territory, which grew by 2 per cent.
作者: y12345678    时间: 23-6-2011 23:53
作者: lol    时间: 24-6-2011 13:26
Perth IT的工作最近变多了

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