
标题: 3D Camera [打印本页]

作者: trisun    时间: 26-5-2011 00:33
标题: 3D Camera
刚刚买了个3D 相机,效果真不错,屏幕上直接可以显示3D,
发个转换过的图像,看看谁能看出3D效果 (要会对眼才行:))

作者: 小波    时间: 26-5-2011 12:23
作者: NEWGAY    时间: 26-5-2011 12:56
作者: trisun    时间: 26-5-2011 15:30
原帖由 小波 于 26-5-2011 11:23 发表
说说你的相机,挺感兴趣的 ... p;sid=1&pid=537
作者: ls0430    时间: 26-5-2011 15:39
作者: gz177    时间: 26-5-2011 16:32
标题: 传说中的"裸眼3D"
正打算考虑买3DPLASMA ,裸眼又开始了。科技真是永无止尽。
作者: 小名    时间: 26-5-2011 17:10
作者: ubuntuhk    时间: 26-5-2011 17:44
作者: 小名    时间: 26-5-2011 20:14
作者: y12345678    时间: 26-5-2011 20:28
作者: 喜鹊    时间: 26-5-2011 21:40
肯定要带3D glass 才行, 一看到这个老想找到 Difference。
作者: szring    时间: 26-5-2011 23:29
作者: trisun    时间: 26-5-2011 23:31
标题: Parallel/cross-eyed 3d view
Parallel/cross-eyed 3d viewThis describes the parallel and cross-eyed 3d view.
The parallel view method

The parallel view method is easily explained. The left and right images are put horizontally next to each other at a distance of not more than 65mm (which is the average human eye distance). The viewer needs to hold his head exactly vertical and try to look "through" the projection plane as if he was looking at an infinite distant object.
Normally, when doing this for the first time it is hard because the eyes need to focus on some fairly near image while there is no or only little convergence (angle between the left and right eye directions). However, after looking at it for a while, one gets used to it and the images get sharp with fairly well 3d effect.
While it is quite easy to achieve orthostereographic projection using this way, there is little use for the parallel view method since it limits the (horizontal) image size to about 65mm and is best presented on printed paper.

The cross-eyed view method

The cross-eyed view method works much like the parallel view method with the left and right images exchanged. Hence, when looking at the images, the viewer must look at the left image with the right eye and vice versa which means that the convergence angle is fairly large. This, in turn, allows to use somewhat larger images (more than 65mm wide).
(Note that you can look cross-eyed at parallel view images when turning the projection plane upside-down.)
As with the parallel view method, when looking at it for the first time, it is hard to get the images sharp because the brain thinks the focus point is much nearer due to the large convergence angle. After some time (contemplate!) one can overcome that.
Note that there is no way to achieve orthostereographic projection using the cross-eyed view method since the eye rays for infinite distant objects cross about half way in front of the projection plane. (In order to correct for that one would have to transform it into a parallel view image.)
The 3d effect is not very well and looking longer at these images is likely to produce eye strain.

Sample imagesI'll put some nicer images here in the future. Meanwhile, this one has to be looked at using the parallel view method. Use the version whose images are no wider than 65mm (2.5inch).



作者: 毛桩桩    时间: 27-5-2011 00:42

作者: mason00    时间: 27-5-2011 01:16
作者: trisun    时间: 3-6-2011 15:37
Perth kings park

[ 本帖最后由 trisun 于 3-6-2011 14:38 编辑 ]
作者: 我无聊    时间: 3-6-2011 15:43
作者: dejah    时间: 3-6-2011 21:55
作者: lol    时间: 5-6-2011 01:55
从机器里面看,3d效果很明显,不需要眼镜什么的。 楼主淘了个宝啊。
作者: 自然    时间: 6-6-2011 00:04
作者: cynthiawu    时间: 6-6-2011 01:35
作者: 二月森林    时间: 6-6-2011 10:33
作者: kev1983    时间: 6-6-2011 11:56

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