看似在Free Oz里信主的弟兄姐妹不多哦!作者: gpoint 时间: 23-5-2011 12:18
I am a member of TJC, we are a bi-langual service church. There are two churches in Perth, one in the north (Dianella), one in the south (Cannington), but the south one is currently used for Friday night service only, will put into normal service once the renovation has been done. You are most welcome to have a visit. You may drop me an email (robin.wjg@gmail.com) for more details if u r interested. May piece with you!作者: gracengcheo 时间: 23-5-2011 13:42 标题: 回复 #4 gpoint 的帖子 TJC = True Jesus Church?作者: y12345678 时间: 23-5-2011 14:57
4#错别字啊作者: gracengcheo 时间: 23-5-2011 15:15
sorry for typo err.作者: gracengcheo 时间: 23-5-2011 15:52 标题: 回复 #8 gpoint 的帖子 Thank you for your sharing and invitation but I am used to traditional church. If I can't find Presbyterian Church, I will join Methodist Church but not TJC.
May God Bless you !作者: tingnishuo 时间: 23-5-2011 16:17