通常我将要去一个陌生的地方玩前,会GOOGLE大量信息,筛选后拿不定主意的才有的放矢地问。上面两个网址也是我GOOGLE出来了,用了关键词“CANBERRA TRAVEL”,LZ还可以尝试其他关键词作者: rhinestoneie 时间: 27-3-2011 21:56 标题: 回复 #2 Viola 的帖子 谢谢你建议,刚刚搜了一下。可以有两条线路去。
1. M5 tollway, connecting to Hume Highway 31. Turn left after Goulburn on to the Federal Highway to Canberra
2. Follow the coastal Princes Highway to Batemans Bay. Turn onto the Kings Highway and head to Canberra via the historic towns of Braidwood and Bungendore.