1:elodge里面雅思TRN是指成绩单上的Candidate Number还是Test Report Form Number?
2:有个很纠结的问题,今天仔细看了www.immi.gov.au,就是关于visa application submit 以后,材料的上传时间限制问题。我找了很久都没有看到有28天限制的说法。但是找到了下面一段话和28天有关,详见http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/g ... on/apply-online.htm:
You can use the 'save' function to save your incomplete online application and return to it at a later time. Saved applications will generally be stored for 28 days. Applications not lodged after this time may be automatically deleted from the system. If this happens, you will need to start your online application again.
这和材料上传根本就没关系哦!只是说申请表没填完要是28天不去登陆的话会被系统删除掉。并且这是针对submit 前的事情。与submit 后材料上传不是同一个事。
还有一段话,详见:http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/g ... after-you-lodge.htm
Providing additional information
Additional information can be provided in writing at any time until a decision is made on your application. All relevant information is taken into account.
If you are invited to give additional information, or comment on information, you will be given a date by which to do so. After that date, the department can continue processing your application whether you provide the information or not. You cannot delay a decision by saying that you might give more information later.
所以请高人们指点下elodge, VISA application submit 以后材料上传28天的限制到底在哪里看到的!!!谢谢!!!作者: rommi 时间: 24-3-2011 17:10
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1. 右下角框里的号码
2. 没这说法 28天应该是分到co后co给的补料时间 我上次申请co每次发邮件都会给我28天时间让我补料 我拖过一次 2次28天搞定 我估计拖个3-4次应该也没问题作者: lilian_guo 时间: 24-3-2011 17:15
哈,谢谢楼上,右下角的是Test Report Form Number哈。
关于第二点,你意思是说可以在分CO前自己随时在线上传材料的?那么如果submit以后很久(比如一年后)再上传了某些材料,比如副申的雅思成绩。这应该不会对签证的申请速度有影响吧?作者: v2rain 时间: 24-3-2011 17:27
[ 本帖最后由 v2rain 于 24-3-2011 18:13 编辑 ]作者: favoredzhu 时间: 24-3-2011 18:12
可以随时添加吧,我们2010.8.12 elodge的,前几天才上传了80表。作者: lilian_guo 时间: 24-3-2011 19:50
哦,明白了,谢谢大家!!!作者: v2rain 时间: 25-3-2011 02:34 标题: 28天上传时间的出处是你lodge后有一封自动回复的信件,里面说到了这个。 TIMEFRAME FOR RESPONSE Where applicable you must provide all additional documents (identified above) within 28 days after the date of this email, otherwise your application may be decided without the additional information being taken into account.