新洲规定,motor rider必须参加pre-learner training course(Pre-L)。凭该课程的certificate报名考笔试。之后是pre-provisional training course(Pre-P),完成课程后考路试。L牌有效期12个月,驾驶员必须持有L牌超过3各月后才能报名路试。路试通过后获得P1(红P),一年之后转P2(绿P),再过2年之后换Full牌。由红P到绿P再到Full是一个水到渠成的过程,期间没有考试,只要合资格就去申请吧,交钱呗。如果你有海外驾驶摩托车的经验,1年以上3年以下可以跳过红P直接上绿P,超过3年直接上Full。避开红P有什么好处呢?1、如果你用自动挡摩托车考路试,在持红P期间你只能开自动挡摩托车。2、持红P期间你不能带人。如果你直接上绿P甚至Full,你就不受这些限制了。
由于有迫切需要用摩托车,想早日考到驾照。于是在RTA网站找遍了大悉尼地区能上Pre-L的地方。最后在Campbelltown报了名。具体的位置是西悉尼大学Campbelltown校区的一个停车场。离家远但路好走,在机场上M5,听听ABC News Radio,感觉不久就到了。那是一个周六周日两天、每天7小时的课程。包车、头盔手套才78,按照澳洲的消费,真的不算贵。我选的是个Manual车,250cc不记得什么品牌。骑上去的那一刻,有back to good old day的畅快感觉。
我的绵羊仔购于悉尼市区的Action摩托车行。这次购车经历不怎么让我满意。主要是我自己没有做好功课,又贪方便希望在上班的地方附件买车,以后维修保养方便(不过这也是人之常情啦)。当时是看好这款车便宜又大品牌,于是到本田的网站上搜代理,找到2个,其中Action离我们公司最近,于是到那买。另一家Sydney City Motorcycle总店在Lane cove,不送头盔报价1999刀 ride away,价钱挺好的,就是太远,算了。后来我在Action下定金后才发现SCM有一家分店在Rockdale,离我家跟City差不多,而且有现货……都怪自己没做好功课。以下是我写给本田的投诉信。里面有我跟Action的互动情况,基本上包括了我买车的不愉快经历。
Dear Honda Motorcycle Officer
Thanks for reading this letter. My name is 小树熊. I am writing to complain how bad my sealing dealer is.
I purchased my Honda Lead 100 scooter at Action Motor in Sydney metro. The salesman promised I could get my bike in 2 weeks after deposit but actually nearly 4. After 2 weeks waiting I called them and they said because this bike was very popular and I had to wait for a longer time. At the beginning of the 4th week I called them again and they said they planned to call me that my bike was ready to pickup. Then I asked if I could get my bike as long as I paid the remaining money and they said yes. However, NO. I got there, paid my money, but stood there doing nothing but waiting for 2 hours to get my bike. Oh my God! I went there in my lunch time, hoping to get my bike ASAP and were supposed to go back to work on time but I were late a lot because of the reason I didn’t even know!!
That’s not the end of my story.
2 days later, my bike was in trouble. At that day I was on my way home riding my new bike. I stopped at a traffic light to wait for the green signal. When it turned green, I accelerated, but the bike just won’t go. I had to use my feet to push it and finally I started to go. I had to do the same thing at every traffic light I stopped at. It seemed a gearbox problem, the power from engine was not able to transmit to the rear wheel smoothly. The other morning I sent my bike to Action Motor, the first guy I met told me I can not get my bike fixed until I made a booking. I was absolutely frustrated. Luckly a salesman let me through. He was not the man who sold me the bike but he was really a nice guy, I would like to say. With his help I was able to pickup my bike in the evening.
I knew that they just order every parts from Honda then assemble bikes in their workshop. I don’t believe it is the parts problem but I think it is because the bad assembling technique of theirs. It looks like they asked an internship person to assemble my bike.
However, that’s not the end of my story neither.
1 or 2 months later, I came back from a 1 week trip and was going to ride my bike again. But it was not able to start and I can smell the fuel and see the fuel leaking from the bottom of my bike. Then I sent my bike back to Action Motor AGAIN!! This time, it took about 4 days to get my bike fixed. Their explain was because of the hot weather bla bla bla. I didn’t buy this. I still suspect it was because of the bad quality of assembling.
Hopefully there are no more stories coming to me, I have to pray for this.
有一个背景故事我得老实向大家交代——如果算上这次要扣的2分,我就扣满12分了。不过有3分是我帮LD顶的,当时怕LD的L牌会被吊销所以就没有办扣分转移。当时违章的时间是1月11日,而新洲13分扣满才吊销驾照的规定1月31日才实行,理论上吊销驾照是板上钉钉的事了。可是峰回路转的事发生了。我就此事打131450找传译一起去问RTA,结果得到的答案是——“You can keep your license”,哪怕我这次申诉失败被扣2分,我还有1分才到13分。也就是以新条例13分论处。我估计跟这里的法律理念有关——一日未判,被告都是无罪的。即使判了,也不会往回追溯。
(因为我骑着你的同类,10%痛并90%快乐着)作者: fjfzly 时间: 17-3-2011 11:44
Ride a motobike in sydney is very danger .be careful作者: 小树熊 时间: 17-3-2011 13:17
Posted on Oct 21, 2010
Member Since:
Oct 21, 2010
Pros: Cheap.
Cons: I paid $245 for my service. I think that's a lot for a 5 months old scooter.
Can anyone tell me how much did you guys pay for your scooter servicing.