[ 本帖最后由 binfen99 于 4-3-2011 22:26 编辑 ]作者: katsura 时间: 5-3-2011 01:38
猫头鹰 - Please try to send her to a wild life center ASAP!
They tend to only eat live mice.. You may want to try a little bit chicken (raw)作者: katsura 时间: 5-3-2011 01:40
Put her in a dark box, and leave teh food / water there, don't try to look at it too much, injured wild life are often very stressed. Food is not their top priority. A dark safe place to hide is more important.作者: binfen99 时间: 5-3-2011 16:42
谢谢楼上耐心而专业的回复! 晚上听到它不时的低声叫几下,早上看它到是很精神的样子。现在它在兽医那里,政府规定兽医要对受伤的野生动物进行救助,他们先要进行诊断,如果可以治好就治,治好后放生。如果他们治不好就对其进行安乐死。兽医说,一般野生动物心理很脆弱,动手术的话通常过夜就会死。我们能做的就这么多了,希望这小家伙能有一个好的结果吧!作者: ozbird 时间: 6-3-2011 18:21
这样的动物肯定是要送交专门的机构的。作者: psmco 时间: 28-7-2011 02:20
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