Super Scoopon! Just $149 to become a PADI Certified Open Water Diver PLUS TWO Extra Ocean Pleasure Dives (All Gear Provided). Normally $800! If you're already PADI Open Water Certified, use this Scoopon for an advanced course!作者: cello 时间: 17-2-2011 15:17
it's a good deal, and can be used as AOW training too.
too bad all the deals are for NSW only作者: Fernando 时间: 17-2-2011 15:20 标题: 回复 #2 cello 的帖子 You don't need it anyway 作者: Viola 时间: 17-2-2011 15:24
我拿了ow都不知什么时候才有时间潜呢,别说aow了,虽然非常便宜,但似乎近期用不上,还是算了作者: Fernando 时间: 17-2-2011 15:30 标题: 回复 #4 Viola 的帖子 You can do it at every weekend, or even weekday for a night dive~~
Not having enough time is only an excuse作者: Viola 时间: 17-2-2011 15:37
You can do it at every weekend, or even weekday for a night dive~~
Not having enough time is only an excuse
没钱置办基本装备,又不甘心每次给起码60刀租。。。作者: Fernando 时间: 17-2-2011 15:46
the aow course itself consists of one night dive and 4 (boat) dives作者: 和尚也疯狂 时间: 17-2-2011 21:01
其实有这个PADI以后可以自己去REEF潜水了作者: Viola 时间: 17-2-2011 21:21