
标题: 集结号吹响了! 灾后义工火热招募中,新增第二个周末的安排 [打印本页]

作者: 金鱼和农夫    时间: 14-1-2011 12:48
标题: 集结号吹响了! 灾后义工火热招募中,新增第二个周末的安排
Brisbane城里城外没有受淹的同学们,ITS OUR SHOW TIME NOW!!新版开张却但正值我们自己的热爱的大家园受大灾,不是说我们布市的活动难搞嘛,我就不信这个邪了!特此倡导第一个活动:让我们成为灾后重建的长期志愿者吧,这个活动我们不一定会在一个确定的时间确定的地点看到彼此,但你可以在任何需要出劳动力的地方默默为这里我们的人民我们这个伟大的国家作点啥,比如大量大量的垃圾在等着处理。。。。。。 具体的活动希望大家踊跃讨论!


慈济会:周六物品发放,分上午下午两场;周日继续帮助清洁民居;想参加请联系金鱼 0416888226.

If you would like to adopt a park this weekend (Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 January) and assist in the flood recovery, you can find a list of nominated parks on Council’s Adopt a Park website Work will occur between 8am and 2pm on Saturday 22 January. Please check the Adopt a Park page for information on Sunday's clean-up activities.

Volunteers who cannot make it to flood-affected parks are encouraged to head to their local park and help give it a tidy-up where necessary. This will allow Council staff to focus on flood-impacted areas. No machinery is required and activities will involve things like cleaning and clearing of bikeways, playgrounds, shade shelters and barbecues.

The Adopt a Park website will be updated as work is completed, so please check online before heading out to a location.

A message from Campbell - January 17

Thank you again to our 23,000 volunteers for their extraordinary efforts over the weekend. I am greatly heartened by the generosity Brisbane volunteers have shown to fellow residents in need.

Also important are the many thousands of residents who returned to work today. Power has been restored to all but four CBD buildings and it’s vital we have the economic heart of the city up and running.

The clean-up of course continues in earnest, with priority given to ridding flood-affected streets of rubbish.

While the resumption of a normal bus timetable means we can no longer transport volunteers directly to clean-up sites, I’m still encouraging residents to assist their local community. For those volunteers travelling by car, please do not drive or park in affected areas - we kindly ask you to park outside and walk to the area.

Further information will be provided in the coming days regarding volunteer registration for the coming weekend.

Campbell Newman

(已经结束,谢谢大家的参与!)本周末两天政府将组织义工统一行动,参加大扫除,要报名的同学请在早上七点或者中午12点半去以下地点登记,然后由大巴送到指定地点开始工作。请自备领用水和工具,并做好自己的保护工作,防水鞋,长袖长裤,帽子,防晒霜,手套,一个也不能少! 请随身带ID便于登记。

An important message from Campbell - January 14

Clean-up starts tomorrow Saturday 15th January ...

As the flood waters recede and people are allowed to return to their homes, our attention turns to the clean-up and to the massive task that lies ahead.

Our top priority is re-opening major arterial roads and removing debris to enable traffic access.

Concerns remain for the structural integrity of parts of Coronation Drive, which will be subject to lane restrictions outbound. However the following roads have been cleared and re-opened either all or in part:

My Council team has been humbled by the response we have received from people wanting to help. My message to everyone however is this clean-up is a marathon, not a race. The last thing we need is everyone jamming the roads in their eagerness to help.

That is why we have arranged shifts for volunteers. For those people that wish to volunteer and help with the recovery efforts, tomorrow (Saturday 15th) and Sunday 16th Council will open fully staffed registration centres at the following locations:
Once you have filled out the necessary paperwork, a bus will shuttle you out to your designated clean-up area. Two shifts have been organised over the two days, morning registration starts at 7am and afternoon registration will start at 12:30pm.

It is essential for those that wish to volunteer to bring along their own tools to assist with the clean-up, wear sun protection as well as long pants, long sleeves, gloves and closed in shoes. Also bring photo ID with you to assist in the registration process.

Click here for a complete volunteering fact sheet.

If you cannot help this weekend but may be able to assist in the future, we would like to hear from you. I am particularly appealing to members of the community who own a bobcat, dump truck, front-end loader, water tanker or other heavy equipment that can be provided to assist with the clean-up. Please email [ Clean-up Volunteering][/email] and you will be contacted and provided with details of how you can best assist.

Rubbish collection
Council will have industrial bins and kerbside collections for flood damaged goods in affected areas once floodwaters recede. Detailed information on industrial bin locations, collection areas and times will be advised as soon as possible via the media and Council’s website. For insurance purposes, take photos and note serial numbers of damaged equipment before you dispose of damaged goods.

We have been advised by the State Government’s Queensland Urban Utilities that water in the greater Brisbane area is perfectly safe to drink. Those residents living in non flood affected areas are encouraged to be conservative with their own water use as the clean-up is a priority.

As floodwaters recede, Energex is working hard to return power to as many homes as possible. The focus has been placed on the western suburbs. Please do not attempt to use electricity if your home has been inundated by floodwaters, until your power has been checked by a qualified electrician.

Unfortunately the Evacuation Centres can no longer receive items to assist with the flood relief efforts, please check with your local charity store before you drop off your goods, as many have indicated that they have reached full capacity.

For information on public transport and affected services, please visit the TransLink website at or phone 13 12 30.

Campbell Newman

[ 本帖最后由 金鱼和农夫 于 21-1-2011 23:40 编辑 ]
作者: 老鼠爱上猫    时间: 14-1-2011 14:06

作者: 金鱼和农夫    时间: 14-1-2011 15:37
我们夫妻俩反正打算好了明天 戴好工具和自己劳防用品,从sunnybank 开车去临区看看,一有受灾人家就去帮忙,然后回家洗洗睡,下次再去。 套句钓鱼岛天朝的官话:把做志愿者变成常态化行动
作者: Goodman    时间: 14-1-2011 16:14
我已经注册了,不过到现在还没有收到回信。 另外如果是ACS的会员也会收到ACS的邮件关于灾后帮助灾民的,其中志愿者部分的链接一样。
作者: tony.zheng    时间: 14-1-2011 21:57
志愿者是我的心愿,目前我有两难题:1,经常出差不在BNE。2,英语末过关。如果有人带头就好了。我现在在BUNBURY WA。还没确定回来的时间。
作者: 金鱼和农夫    时间: 14-1-2011 23:05
原帖由 tony.zheng 于 14-1-2011 21:57 发表
志愿者是我的心愿,目前我有两难题:1,经常出差不在BNE。2,英语末过关。如果有人带头就好了。我现在在BUNBURY WA。还没确定回来的时间。

哈哈 谢谢您在这么远还支持布市灾民!我们也是想做志愿者好久了,终于在这合适的时候做了正确的选择。 至于担心语言,大可不必,我们是志愿过去出体力的,想有语言优势还没用武之地呐。 2。不长在BNE没事阿! 因为这个志愿者我估计至少要做几个月到一年,大把的机会。 明天我们去后会给各位点更新的。 谢谢关注!
作者: 金鱼和农夫    时间: 14-1-2011 23:33
为这位云山青龙兄喝彩 他说:“我已买了明早去布市往返机票(15日早6点——20日)。如果还有其它志愿者愿意前往的话,可在布市联系、并肩战斗”。看来我们不是独唱团,而是合唱团了阿 开心ing

[ 本帖最后由 金鱼和农夫 于 15-1-2011 10:38 编辑 ]
作者: 西皮二黄    时间: 14-1-2011 23:36

作者: 金鱼和农夫    时间: 14-1-2011 23:53
原帖由 西皮二黄 于 14-1-2011 23:36 发表


有西皮兄的支持就更开心了阿 呵呵 坛子里一位同学说过:这个国家待我们真的不错,应该为她做点啥了。 我就是这么认为的,您呢?
作者: Goodman    时间: 15-1-2011 00:16
作者: 金鱼和农夫    时间: 15-1-2011 00:25
我们决定参加星期六下午的shift, 在MacGregor High报名,有想一起去的同学吗?

[ 本帖最后由 金鱼和农夫 于 15-1-2011 01:54 编辑 ]
作者: 冰翡翠    时间: 15-1-2011 01:32
作者: coredump    时间: 15-1-2011 12:13
响应金鱼和农夫号召报名了, 布里斯班的重建需要你,请大家踊跃报名!
作者: ubuntuhk    时间: 15-1-2011 12:27

作者: coredump    时间: 15-1-2011 12:51
参与周末义务劳动注意事项: ... e_fact_sheet_01.pdf

1. Who can volunteer?
有没有必要的工具:If you have cleaning equipment (e.g. broom, mop, buckets etc), and are physically able to handle strenuous work. Volunteers must have up to date tetanus shots.
年龄够不够:Participants must be 14 or over. Young people aged 14-17 must have proof of identification and be
accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
证件:You MUST present a photo identification when you complete the registration form to participate and
have that photo ID with you at all times to participate.Please present it politely if requested – remember many
people have been through a lot recently, and it is normal for them to be more nervous or suspicious than usual.

2. How do I register?
Arrive to register from 7am at any of the four volunteer assembly points listed below. (It is preferred that people car pool, get dropped off or use public transport where possible, to avoid congestion as parking cannot be guaranteed in some locations)
Complete a registration form when you arrive, or to save time download the form from and complete prior to arriving.
You must bring photo identification.

3. 四个集结点
Clean-up assembly point locations and transport
1. Doomben Racecourse
   Meet at the Main Entrance Gate 5.
3. Brisbane Entertainment Centre
    Follow signs to the Main Foyer.
3. MacGregor State High  (请大部分住在南区的华人优先选择这个集结点)
    Meet at the Assembly Hall. Parking is at Upper Mt Gravatt  Park ’n’ Ride (marshals will give directions to the school) and Eight Mile Plains Park ‘n’ Ride (free shuttle buses to the High School).
4. Mt Coot-tha Botanic Gardens
    Meet at the Auditorium

4. 交通How will I get to and from the clean-up points?
Brisbane Transport will provide shuttle buses to transport volunteers from the above locations to the worksites and return at the end of the shifts. There will be 2 shifts; 7.30-11.30am and 1-4pm.

What to wear?
Remember at all times to keep yourself safe.  Protect yourself from possible contaminants and bacteria in or left by floodwaters. Volunteers should wear the following:
- Long pants 长裤
- Long sleeve shirt 长袖
- Enclosed shoes – preferably workboots or gumboots  最好有长筒靴
- Rubber or garden gloves 手套
- Wide brim hat 帽子
- Sunscreen 太阳镜
- Safety glasses, goggles, face mask or sunglasses to   protect your eyes from any splashing water.  护目镜

6. 带什么  What to bring?
- Brooms    扫帚
- Shovels 锹
- Buckets 桶
- Lunch and water. 自备午餐和水

7. 注意安全 Safety
Council appreciates the efforts of the community in helping each other. People who volunteer must accept responsibility for all risk of danger in participation in the flood clean-up.
Remember personal hygiene to reduce spread of infections – wash your hands often, and especially before eating and drinking.
Volunteers should be very careful on slippery surfaces and be aware there may be sharp objects, chemicals, snakes, spiders etc in unusual places
作者: 红泥小火炉    时间: 15-1-2011 13:37
刚才老公还来不及看这个帖子就去参加集合了,等排到队了,才知道需要ID,只能回家取了再去,在MacGregor High
作者: 罗卜扛大包    时间: 15-1-2011 13:43
作者: coredump    时间: 15-1-2011 13:55
原帖由 红泥小火炉 于 15-1-2011 12:37 发表
刚才老公还来不及看这个帖子就去参加集合了,等排到队了,才知道需要ID,只能回家取了再去,在MacGregor High
作者: 红泥小火炉    时间: 15-1-2011 14:20
原帖由 coredump 于 15-1-2011 13:55 发表

作者: clairejia    时间: 15-1-2011 14:21
作者: liyuefu    时间: 15-1-2011 14:41
作者: albert-shen08    时间: 15-1-2011 15:30
作者: 老鼠爱上猫    时间: 15-1-2011 15:32
作者: Goodman    时间: 15-1-2011 15:43
有谁可以借我雨鞋的么,今天跑了几个地方,Big W, Woolworth。。。。都没有雨鞋了。
作者: 喜鹊    时间: 15-1-2011 18:43
非常高兴看到这样的倡议,我在WA,真诚希望参加这样有意义的活动,不过我现在只能做到最懒得方法:捐款。 其实参与其中最快乐。
作者: castaway    时间: 15-1-2011 18:45
作者: y12345678    时间: 15-1-2011 20:23
作者: berryjuice    时间: 15-1-2011 22:31
作者: steelduan    时间: 15-1-2011 22:41
作者: leelumi    时间: 15-1-2011 22:46
提示: 作者被禁止或删除, 无法发言 明天去做义工,尽自己一点力
作者: bg1pdq    时间: 15-1-2011 23:12
作者: 金鱼和农夫    时间: 15-1-2011 23:25


1. ID必须要带

2. 今天去的人爆满,如果自己去报名请提早,最好打印表格填好了带过去,晚了轮不上。我们明天会参加台湾慈济会的队伍,由于他们和city council有长期合作关系,订有专车,可以免去被拒的风险,想一起参加他们的同学请9:45在QEII hospital停车场会合,除了已经和我们电话约好的coredump和castaway,其他人请事先联系,金鱼的电话0416888226,过时不候。




[ 本帖最后由 金鱼和农夫 于 15-1-2011 23:34 编辑 ]
作者: sydneysider    时间: 16-1-2011 00:41
good on you!
sydneysiders are with you!
作者: 金鱼和农夫    时间: 16-1-2011 00:43
原帖由 sydneysider 于 16-1-2011 00:41 发表
good on you!
sydneysiders are with you!

作者: 金鱼和农夫    时间: 16-1-2011 01:40

作者: westice    时间: 16-1-2011 14:31
作者: smnox    时间: 16-1-2011 21:41
作者: 金鱼和农夫    时间: 18-1-2011 02:16
原帖由 westice 于 16-1-2011 14:31 发表

作者: 金鱼和农夫    时间: 21-1-2011 23:41

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