但不认识的,比如到那种salvation army, op shop之类的地方买,我就不能接受了~~作者: coonaoz 时间: 10-12-2010 12:17
我儿子也是穿二手的校服,其实穿二手衣服是环保,循环再用。作者: zap 时间: 10-12-2010 14:59
我女儿好像80%以上是旧衣物,我不介意的作者: gpoint 时间: 10-12-2010 15:26
Totally don't mind as long as they are clean.
1. Save $$$.
2. Less chemical stuff comparing to brand new.
3. Softer than brand new, more comfortable and breathable for child's skin.
4. Much more environmental for the recycling.
5. Set a good example for children with sense of the above ($+health+environment).作者: 哈罗加菲 时间: 10-12-2010 17:12
贴身衣服不穿二手的,外衣裤夹衣就无所谓了,不脏不烂的都可以作者: 818 时间: 10-12-2010 19:51
平时的衣服,老大全买新的,因为也没穿多少,平时都是穿校服。老二有部分是旧的。作者: 懒贝壳 时间: 10-12-2010 21:56