too simple
not a responsible 版主作者: 136mydream 时间: 27-8-2010 14:39
which kind of 盲蛇 is it??作者: 136mydream 时间: 27-8-2010 14:50
盲蛇 被造物主設計為適合生存於地底,但牠也能夠於地表及水底下行動。下大雨時,通常會破壞地底下儲藏的空氣,而使牠們不得不被破壞時鑽出地表。牠們也會出現在枯葉堆裡,死去的樹木或石頭底下,但被發現時常被誤以為是蚯蚓而被忽略。一但被發現,牠們會以腹部努力地抓緊地面並劇烈地擺動加以逃逸。有時候牠們會將尾巴的尖端刺入捕捉者的身體裡,引起一陣無害的刺痛。
The Southern Marsupial Mole (Notoryctes typhlops) is a mole-like marsupial found in the desert of southwest Australia. It is extremely adapted to a burrowing way of life. It has large, shovel-like forepaws, silky fur, which helps it move easily. The Southern Marsupial Mole also lacks complete eyes as it has little need for them. It feeds on earthworms and larvae.[3]作者: 泡沫 时间: 27-8-2010 18:37