
标题: 山寨一词,怎么翻译准确? [打印本页]

作者: lisa2008    时间: 3-8-2010 17:09
标题: 山寨一词,怎么翻译准确?

有朋友搞笑,告我是made in china?
作者: coredump    时间: 3-8-2010 17:10
hidden in mountain
作者: zhengwei1984    时间: 3-8-2010 17:20
made in china 是最准确的翻译
作者: TOSHIBA    时间: 3-8-2010 17:22
作者: frozen_heart770    时间: 3-8-2010 17:31
A Knockoff / Ripoff

[ 本帖最后由 frozen_heart770 于 3-8-2010 20:41 编辑 ]
作者: naughtybaby    时间: 3-8-2010 17:42
or a mickey mouse
作者: ZENGQIANFEN    时间: 3-8-2010 18:16
作者: ken993    时间: 3-8-2010 19:29
copy cat 吧,

或者 imitation
作者: msolucky    时间: 3-8-2010 20:31
应该是: Cheap copy
作者: Dreamhouse    时间: 3-8-2010 20:44
作者: owen    时间: 3-8-2010 20:56
觉得 copy 比较好
作者: auatb    时间: 3-8-2010 21:38
fake 老外说假名牌都用这个
sail under false colors 挂羊头卖狗肉
remark 赛格或华强电子世界呆过的可能对这个最有感觉
imposture 冒名顶替
作者: TOSHIBA    时间: 3-8-2010 22:05
作者: 草地软软地    时间: 4-8-2010 14:09
作者: 徒步天涯    时间: 4-8-2010 15:12
比较贴切的应该是imitation或not genuine
In China, you can buy an imitation of the ipad.
This TV is not genuine.
作者: willzxz    时间: 4-8-2010 17:32
作者: leonbit    时间: 5-8-2010 21:31
cheap copy ,twitter上的新词

我还记了几个 shitizen 屁民 antizen 蚁族 等 一会上个图 哈哈
作者: leonbit    时间: 5-8-2010 21:35
很形象 很贴切的
作者: katsura    时间: 7-8-2010 20:19

[ 本帖最后由 katsura 于 22-8-2011 18:43 编辑 ]
作者: wangmengj    时间: 7-8-2010 23:52
有这么个词,大家听说没有:Chinese copy
作者: 四香油饼    时间: 8-8-2010 02:02
原帖由 katsura 于 7-8-2010 19:19 发表
Shanzai - it's already being picked up by western media

very nice site!
作者: gpoint    时间: 8-8-2010 02:29

Example: iPhone -> iClone (Copy of iPhone)
作者: mite    时间: 8-8-2010 12:19
作者: coredump    时间: 8-8-2010 13:31
,如有国外网友在回帖中问道:Is there any relation between that word and the name of the city Shanghai? Just curious. [6]这位外国网友竟然误以为山寨(shangzhai)和上海(shanghai)有联系。
poor shanghai[size=13.8889px]
作者: ken993    时间: 10-8-2010 13:27

但是我觉得应该往尽可能正统 并且大多数人一听就能明白的方向去翻译吧。。

直接说shanzhai, 不少过劳能明白, 但是不是大多数人能明白。。。
作者: playbug    时间: 13-8-2010 21:05
标题: 请参见TIME的Top 10 Chinese Knockoffs
shanzhai, fake,  pirate, copycat or knockoff 请参见TIME的Top 10 Chinese Knockoffs,28804,1998580_1998579_1998575,00.html

China's industrious electronics pirates are trying to beat Apple at its own game again by rushing out a copycat 4G iPhone before the real thing even hits the market. TIME takes a look at other Chinese fakes — or shanzhai — that look nearly as good as the real things

Read more:,28804,1998580_1998579_1998575,00.html#ixzz0wTl4IBHj

Tuesday, Jun. 22, 2010
HiPhone and APhone A6
By Justin Bergman

Apple may have only one store in China — in Beijing, with a Shanghai store set to open this summer — but shanzhai iPhones have been a fixture in the country's bustling electronics markets for years. One of the earliest models, the HiPhone, which sold for as little as $100, had its share of problems, such as faulty construction and malfunctioning apps. "It's called the HiPhone, I think, because you'd have to be high to actually buy it," Wired associate editor Daniel Dumas wrote in an online review in December 2008. But iPhone clones have gotten better since then, with some startling innovations. The APhone A6, released last November, uses an iPhone interface to run Google's Android operating system. Next up is a 4G iPhone clone — expect a solid copy on the streets of Shanghai any day now.
作者: 四香油饼    时间: 14-8-2010 22:42
Found in dictionary: Chinese (Simplified) > English.
山寨   [shan zhai] Pinyin
a fortified mountain village; a mountain fortress
a bandit stronghold in the mountain
Chinese (Simplified) dictionary

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山寨 is also a word in: 中文(繁體)
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copycat ting
山寨 一词可能在2008年度的中国使用最密集传播最广泛例如Google公司发布的2008年度 - Related search
a mountain fastness
a mountain fastness山寨 combustion n 燃烧着火 commercial moisture regain 商业 - Related search
(shan zhai) copycat ting
1 山寨shan zhai copycatting. This Chinese term literally refers to the mountain - Related search
作者: htohealth    时间: 9-11-2010 18:26

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