
标题: 2012年12月30日至13年1月8日Hiking at Routeburn/Kepler tracks of New Zealand [打印本页]

作者: bushwalker    时间: 5-7-2010 23:19
标题: 2012年12月30日至13年1月8日Hiking at Routeburn/Kepler tracks of New Zealand
New Zealand is well known for the paradise for hiking. "Eight" (two in North Island and other six in South Island) Great Walks were selected because of their popularity with both visitors and local trampers, and for their outstanding scenery.

Three of Eight tracks are near Queenstown/Te Anau :

Milford Track is the premier attraction, having earned its reputation as ‘the finest walk in the world’

Routeburn Track penetrates an alpineworld of high passes and towering peaks.

Kepler Track has outstanding alpine, lake and river scenery.

Routeburn Track
Experience New Zealand's second most famous walk, which straddles the rugged spine of Fiordland's Humboldt Mountains, and enjoy scenery even more varied than theMilford Track.

The Routeburn Track has the capacity to lift you way beyond the normal world of outdoorexperience. It is utterly sublime. A gloriously remote and untouched wilderness pathway, that can lead you back from the 21st Century to view a pre-historic earth. The view from the track’s highest point, Conical Peak near Harris Saddle,holds you spell bound and lost for words. The panorama of encircling snow-capped mountains extends to the Tasman Sea. The exquisite serenity, stillness and loveliness of Lake Harris, will remain a permanent image etched in your mind.

The 33 km track usually takes 3 to 4 days with a choice of 4 huts and 2 campsites that need to be booked well in advance. The huts are located at Lake Howden,Lake Mackenzie, Routeburn Falls, and Routeburn Flats. The track can be walked from the Divide on the Te Anau/Milford highway, or from the Routeburn Shelter at the head of Lake Wakatipu.

The variety of landscapes is amazing. From the grassy river flats you climb through dense beech forest to the snowline where alpine plants grow in profusion. An exposed sub-alpine section is traversed on Day 2, following the Routeburn to its outlet from Lake Harris. The natural sounds of water tumbling, trickling, gushing and cascading can be heard all along the track. The vegetation grow this prolific, and you can see native birds and colourful butterflies along the way. Great Walk hut or campsite passes can be purchased at the visitor centres in Te Anau, Queenstown and Glenorchy. Public transport is available at either end of the track but needs to be pre-arranged.

The Routeburn is a one-off experience. You will never forget the overwhelming accumulation of natural beauty and the endless variety of forms, shapes andcolours.

Kepler Track
Stroll on into Te Anau, ‘TheWalking Capital of New Zealand’, and set out on ourbest-planned Great Walk, which starts right on the edge of town.

The 67 km Kepler Track is the perfect complement to its nearneighbours, the Milford and Routeburn tracks. It combines all the best archetypal Fiordland features such as moss-draped beechforest, rich bird life, alpine tussock, mountain ranges,cascading waterfalls, glacial valleys, river flats and limestone for mations. Bookings are essential in the October-April walking season.From May the track reverts to the Backcountry Hut ticket system.Camping is only permitted at Brod Bay and near the Iris Burn Hut.

This 3 to 4 day tramp starts by hugging the southern shore of Lake Te Anau as far as the Waiau River Control Gates. From thereit is an easy walk to Brod Bay before tackling the 4 hour ascentto Mt Luxmore Hut. On Day 2 there is an option to explore thelimestone caves on Mt Luxmore, and climb to the summit (1,471 metres) for a 360° panorama of Lake Te Anau and the Murchison Range. The native takahe bird was found in this range in 1948 after years of presumed extinction. From Mt Luxmore the track crosses an exposed alpine ridge for 12 km before descending through beech forest to the Iris Burn Hut.

On Day 3 the track winds down an ancient glacial valley to Moturau Hut on the shores of Lake Manapouri, from where it is a 2 hour tramp to the Rainbow Reach exit. A regular shuttle service operates here in summer. Alternatively you can continue up the Waiau River to the Control Gates and back to Te Anau.

The Kepler Track is unique in its recent custom-made design as around trip route. Other New Zealand tracks evolved from Maoritrails or pioneer exploration routes.

This is the perfect place to have a hassle-free great outdoors experience at high altitude. The immensity and mountain splendouris simply breathtaking.

We have been Milford Track in Dec 2006 and 2009. We are going to Routeburn Track/Kepler Track in Dec 2010 for about 7-10 days.

The booking is a must due to limited place for the huts and campsites. Please contact peter on 0402 817 164 or msn for your intention.

[ 本帖最后由 bushwalker 于 30-6-2012 17:15 编辑 ]
作者: 旗开得胜    时间: 7-7-2010 09:12
作者: bushwalker    时间: 29-7-2010 23:25
We are going to north island in early Dec 2010 for 10 days and then to south island for one week hiking around Te Anau and Queenstown.
作者: bushwalker    时间: 21-1-2012 19:49
We did  not make in 2010 and 2011, unfortunately.

Could we make in 2012?
作者: 到处流浪    时间: 21-1-2012 22:13
作者: 青竹    时间: 21-1-2012 23:15
我也四月份去! Peter, 政委,一起吧!
作者: circleyue    时间: 26-1-2012 22:36
四月我是不行啦 ,看看年底有没有机会。
作者: Fernando    时间: 27-1-2012 14:33
作者: 青竹    时间: 27-1-2012 18:08
原帖由 Fernando 于 27-1-2012 15:33 发表

作者: bushwalker    时间: 27-1-2012 21:34
原帖由 青竹 于 27-1-2012 19:08 发表


作者: bushwalker    时间: 27-1-2012 22:47
By the way we will make these two track at the end of Dec 2012 or early 2013 after discussing with my mate Circleyue.
作者: 青竹    时间: 28-1-2012 16:24
原帖由 bushwalker 于 27-1-2012 22:34 发表

如果是4个人,租一个有四个床位可以做饭的那个车很不错。在你们中两位爬山徒步时,另外两位可以开到别的地方。在NZ南岛有许多发呆的地方。如需要我可以建议一 ...

作者: bushwalker    时间: 28-1-2012 19:35
原帖由 青竹 于 28-1-2012 17:24 发表


1)Glenorchy 通向天堂之路
2)Te Anau

关于Glenorchy, 很少有人知道。它距离Queenstown仅有半个小时车程,也是去Routeburn Track 的必经之地。也只有真正的徒步者和旅游玩家才想到那里。到目前为止,我仅知道撕MM去过(我和圆月2009年12月走完Milford Track去了那里就不想走的,但我们知道下次走Routeburn Track会回来的)。

[ 本帖最后由 bushwalker 于 28-1-2012 22:07 编辑 ]
作者: tamlaw    时间: 13-2-2012 23:13
之前南島行看了好些步道資料, 當中>>>Rees-Dart Track好像挺不錯 (網上有個 >>>日本女生介紹過), 可惜天氣關係去不了, 這個在Glenorchy那邊, 可作loop track 完成.
Te Anau的 Kepler Track可從小鎮直接步行至起點, 亦是loop track.
作者: bushwalker    时间: 14-3-2012 11:54
Te Araroa - The Long Pathway

Te Araroa is a 3000-km trail stretching from Cape Reinga in the North of New Zealand to Bluff in the South.

The trail opened December 3rd, 2011.

Down the coastline, through the forest, across farmland, over volcanoes and mountain passes, along river valleys, and on green pathways through seven cities.

It's one of the longest walking routes in the world. Hundreds of volunteers worked over ten years to put the trail in
"Because it wasn't there"

When could we complete?
作者: bushwalker    时间: 14-6-2012 20:08
We are going to make booking within one month (by middle July 2012),  to walk in early January 2013.

Please contact me if you are keen to join.
作者: 我无聊    时间: 14-6-2012 21:23
标题: 回复 #16 bushwalker 的帖子
作者: bushwalker    时间: 14-6-2012 21:57
原帖由 我无聊 于 14-6-2012 21:23 发表

restrict limit for every day, as overland track of TAS.
作者: 到处流浪    时间: 15-6-2012 08:43
原帖由 bushwalker 于 14-6-2012 20:08 发表
We are going to make booking within one month (by middle July 2012),  to walk in early January 2013.

Please contact me if you are keen to join.

作者: circleyue    时间: 16-6-2012 01:03
作者: bushwalker    时间: 16-6-2012 13:21
原帖由 circleyue 于 16-6-2012 01:03 发表

let us make it
作者: bushwalker    时间: 16-6-2012 13:22
原帖由 到处流浪 于 15-6-2012 08:43 发表


Try to make, you would be very surprising how beautiful tracks they are.
作者: bushwalker    时间: 22-6-2012 14:23
We are going to 3 days/2 nights and other 4 days/3 nights for these two tracks, and will make booking by July 10 2012
作者: KYLIE2008    时间: 22-6-2012 19:07
这可够壮观, 能去的不是一般战士
作者: 青竹    时间: 22-6-2012 22:49
作者: bushwalker    时间: 27-6-2012 20:04
Dec 27 2012 - Jan 8 2013 for both Kepler Track and Routeburn track has been be finalized, and the places would be booked within days.
作者: circleyue    时间: 28-6-2012 17:59
Hut in Kepler Track.


作者: bushwalker    时间: 28-6-2012 20:06
原帖由 circleyue 于 28-6-2012 17:59 发表
Hut in Kepler Track.


This is Luxmore Hut, We could stay there for New Year Eve 2013.
作者: bushwalker    时间: 29-6-2012 18:21
我和圆月已经订好4天3晚的Kepler Track 和3天2晚的Routeburn Track.

我们2012年12月31日、2013年1月1、2、3日走Kepler track, 12月31日晚住Kepler track 的Luxmore Hut,在那里看星星、月亮和新年焰火;

我们2013年1月5、6、7日走Routeburn Track, 8日飞回澳洲。

现在这两个tracks 还有名额,喜欢徒步的筒子可以自己从DOC网站自己订位。如能大家在一起走更好,走一段也没有关系。

另外在Queenstown 和Te Anau 附近有很多好玩的地方,我以前走过两次,如有人在这段期间在这附近,我可当本地寻游,带你去好多本地人去的地方。
作者: bushwalker    时间: 30-6-2012 15:35
在Queenstown 和徒步者的天堂Te Anau 附近除了几条著名的徒步线路外有许多美景。

[ 本帖最后由 bushwalker 于 30-6-2012 15:42 编辑 ]
作者: bushwalker    时间: 30-6-2012 15:37
Queenstown 附近的Glenorchy。

[ 本帖最后由 bushwalker 于 30-6-2012 15:43 编辑 ]
作者: bushwalker    时间: 30-6-2012 15:38
Te Anau 旁边的Doubtful sound.

[ 本帖最后由 bushwalker 于 30-6-2012 15:44 编辑 ]
作者: bushwalker    时间: 30-6-2012 15:39
如果运气好,在Kepler track上可以看到这样的彩虹。

[ 本帖最后由 bushwalker 于 30-6-2012 15:44 编辑 ]
作者: bushwalker    时间: 30-6-2012 15:40
在Routeburn Track 上一定会看到这样的湖。

[ 本帖最后由 bushwalker 于 30-6-2012 15:45 编辑 ]
作者: bushwalker    时间: 30-6-2012 15:41

[ 本帖最后由 bushwalker 于 30-6-2012 15:46 编辑 ]
作者: bushwalker    时间: 10-7-2012 13:56
The flight tickets have been booked,.

Look forward to seeing you: New Zealand in  5 months.
作者: bushwalker    时间: 6-9-2012 18:51
作者: xin.christina    时间: 22-9-2012 21:43
原帖由 bushwalker 于 2012-6-30 15:40 发表
在Routeburn Track 上一定会看到这样的湖。

作者: candywang    时间: 23-9-2012 15:28
作者: candywang    时间: 23-9-2012 15:35
原帖由 bushwalker 于 29-6-2012 18:21 发表
我和圆月已经订好4天3晚的Kepler Track 和3天2晚的Routeburn Track.

我们2012年12月31日、2013年1月1、2、3日走Kepler track, 12月31日晚住Kepler track 的Luxmore Hut,在那里看星星、月亮和新年焰火;

我们2 ...


作者: bushwalker    时间: 9-10-2012 14:36
If you are luck, you may get 9 great walks   for 9 weeks in New Zealand (including Milford Track, Kepler Track and Rounteburn track) for free.

The deadline for entrance is 22nd of Oct 2012
作者: bushwalker    时间: 6-11-2012 16:05

作者: circleyue    时间: 7-11-2012 16:11
谢谢Peter for organising。
作者: bushwalker    时间: 16-11-2012 16:03
原帖由 candywang 于 23-9-2012 16:35 发表



Doubtful Sound

Milford Sound


Te Anau ......

[ 本帖最后由 bushwalker 于 3-12-2012 16:21 编辑 ]
作者: xiaoyumen    时间: 25-11-2012 21:50
啊 peter 我大概1月四号那周会回悉尼,然后计划一月4号至25号出去玩,你有啥计划吗?

新西 兰我是赶不上了。不过明年一定得去。
作者: bushwalker    时间: 26-11-2012 08:57
原帖由 xiaoyumen 于 25-11-2012 22:50 发表
啊 peter 我大概1月四号那周会回悉尼,然后计划一月4号至25号出去玩,你有啥计划吗?

新西 兰我是赶不上了。不过明年一定得去。

今年2012年我们去了很多以前没有去过的地方,其中包括野狗山,就去了10次每次不一样的路线其中也包括3个overnight 露营。

我1月8日从新西兰回来,如有可能我可每个周末带你和其他队友去上边我走过的地方。如你在工作时有时间,我可推荐你去一些我知道的local club,他们平日也有玩水玩船玩山的丰富多彩的户外活动。

[ 本帖最后由 bushwalker 于 26-11-2012 12:22 编辑 ]
作者: bushwalker    时间: 3-12-2012 15:27
我们2012年12月31日、2013年1月1、2、3日走Kepler track, 12月31日晚住Kepler track 的Luxmore Hut,在那里看星星、月亮和新年焰火;

我们2013年1月5、6、7日走Routeburn Track, 8日飞回澳洲。

另外在Queenstown 和Te Anau 附近有很多好玩的地方,我以前走过两次,如有人在这段期间在这附近,我可当本地寻游,带你去好多本地人去的地方。
作者: KYLIE2008    时间: 3-12-2012 20:13
作者: bushwalker    时间: 19-12-2012 10:50




作者: KYLIE2008    时间: 19-12-2012 11:09
预祝你们自娱自虐自得乐趣 青山清水绿野仙踪, 踏遍天下峡谷名川

Merry Christmas

作者: bushwalker    时间: 30-12-2012 10:20
作者: bushwalker    时间: 30-12-2012 11:31
现在海外华人喜欢爬山徒步的越来越多在新西兰Queenstown飞机场等圆月时碰到十二个刚走完Milford track的Auckland 华人,他们也有一个自己的俱乐部。他们走Milford track的这4天气候非常之好。希望我和圆月要走的两个tracks期间气候也好。

作者: bushwalker    时间: 3-1-2013 08:50
今天1月3日终于走完Kepler track.气候非常恶劣,风速超过一百公里。
作者: gwenily    时间: 3-1-2013 14:01
作者: bushwalker    时间: 3-1-2013 19:31
Kepler Track 徒步日记见FB。
作者: bushwalker    时间: 4-1-2013 17:25
Routeburn track will start tomorrow Jan 5 2013. More great view will be expected.
作者: bushwalker    时间: 7-1-2013 20:31
Routeburn track今天2013年1月7日中年12点半走完。

我在FB上上传了一些用iPhone 拍的照片,已写了爬山日记。如这里有人对
Routeburn track
Kepler track
有兴趣,并可能会到这里来徒步(包括旁边的Milford track),我会将FB里的部分游纪copy 过来。如是SHC的队友,你自己可上FB游阅。
作者: bushwalker    时间: 11-1-2013 08:48
Do you like walking and camping at such site?

Lake Mackenzie (of Routeburn Track)

The first one taken in afternoon while the second early morning.
作者: 蛮蛮    时间: 11-1-2013 15:07

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