
标题: 求教:这篇文章要什么样的水平,能完全看懂,无生词? [打印本页]

作者: axyou    时间: 31-5-2010 17:23
标题: 求教:这篇文章要什么样的水平,能完全看懂,无生词?

Portugal Old, New and Undiscovered

“SEE these olive trees?” said Celso Pereira as his pickup truck slalomed down a road flanked by thousands of them, their pale, pointy leaves glistening faintly, their limbs wretched and magnificent with age. “They make the most wonderful olive oil.”

“And those orange trees?” he added, pointing to a small grove. They brimmed with bright, ripening fruit. “The oranges are amazing.”

The tiny restaurant ahead? “Phenomenal,” he said. The dark soil in the vineyard to the left? Incomparable. It wasn’t thickly accented English he spoke so much as the language of local pride — exultant and, truth be told, hyperbolic. I had tasted the olive oil: lovely, not life-changing. And the oranges: perfectly fine.

But there was one soaring superlative with which I couldn’t quibble. “This drive,” he said as the truck dropped like a roller coaster into the valley below. “It is the most beautiful, no?”

Yes. Oh yes. And that heady conviction had only a little to do with the wines that Mr. Pereira, a vintner in this enchanted region of northern Portugal, had just had me sample. All around us mountains undulated into the distance. The slopes in the foreground were a precipitous, mesmerizing patchwork of greens, reds, browns and grays, the earth alternately craggy and lush, terraced and cleanly diagonal, as if some grand hand had fashioned it into a tutorial on all that nature and agriculture can do.

And at the base of those slopes: a ribbon of water, playing peek-a-boo as it twisted into and out of view. This was the Douro River, the cause and compass of my trip.

I had been drawn to Portugal by word of how splendid the area around the Douro is. It is from the banks of the Douro that the sublime city of Oporto rises. It is along the Douro that a disproportionate share of Portugal’s most respected wine producers fuss over their grapes.

And it was my hope that by tracing the river from Oporto toward Spain, I might construct my favorite kind of vacation, one that mingles — within a few days and a few hours of driving — some time in an old, architecturally distinguished city with even more time in gorgeous countryside, all punctuated by big, slow, boozy meals. That’s my Italy, my France, my Spain. I wanted to make it my Portugal, too.
作者: phjet    时间: 31-5-2010 17:45
作者: axyou    时间: 31-5-2010 18:08
作者: 语之玫瑰    时间: 31-5-2010 18:15
作者: leciel95    时间: 31-5-2010 18:18
大概扫一眼 好像雅思不爱考这样的吧,建议研究下真题
作者: leciel95    时间: 31-5-2010 18:25
仔细看了一下 基本就一般的游记,水平我觉得可能国外初中生就能写的出这样的文章了。
但我依然有一些生词 杯具
作者: leciel95    时间: 31-5-2010 18:29
楼主看NYTimes 就看科学和技术专栏吧,类似的还有 还有大家都知道的探索和国家地理(这个有精美期刊发行可以下载扫描版)。
作者: stiou    时间: 31-5-2010 18:44
作者: Sophia    时间: 31-5-2010 19:08
作者: leciel95    时间: 31-5-2010 19:19
提示 PBS.org上的视频需要挂美国vpn或者其他代理等等才能看哦
作者: axyou    时间: 31-5-2010 19:22
作者: leciel95    时间: 31-5-2010 19:30
别这样想其实这文里大多生僻的是名词,名词没办法,使劲积累吧,信着背得花大时间了。因为不同的领域里词义是不同的。好像最难的是医学类的名词。。。。。 反正看House MD的时候没有翻译就肯定崩溃掉。
作者: axyou    时间: 31-5-2010 19:31
标题: 回复 #7 leciel95 的帖子
啊,我现在是每天坚持看3-5篇文章,感兴趣觉得能用的单词和句子就记下来,这几天大部分是关于Northern Korean的。。。科技类的看的好少。大概因为我只是挑着自己喜欢的话题看,比如中国钉子户啊,中国环境污染啊,南北韩啊之类的,前些日子的医保法案,以及几乎天天都有的阿富汗问题,基本没有看过。。。

其实CNN有个Student News挺好的,还提供script,可是网速是个问题,视频卡得很,经常没有耐心看了。。。
作者: leciel95    时间: 31-5-2010 19:32
另外啊 好歹NYT也是美国大报了。作者们行文肯定很老道,和平时人们聊天用的词几乎就没啥交集
作者: leciel95    时间: 31-5-2010 19:36
标题: 回复 #13 axyou 的帖子
建议啊 词汇量不够 先别研究那些,看着特郁闷。。。先把3000 5500 8000 这三本字典里的字搞定,再学那些吧,心情会好很多。
作者: axyou    时间: 31-5-2010 19:38
原帖由 leciel95 于 31-5-2010 17:25 发表
仔细看了一下 基本就一般的游记,水平我觉得可能国外初中生就能写的出这样的文章了。
但我依然有一些生词 杯具


作者: karl.lee.2004    时间: 31-5-2010 19:46
原帖由 axyou 于 31-5-2010 16:23 发表


呵呵,刚好下午试了一下Google Docs的word count功能,里面有一个readability的统计,我觉得比较好的解答了LZ的问题。


1.一篇文章是否好懂(可读性是否强,readability),除了词汇(根据词汇的使用频度/音节数来判断是否“大词”,通常认为大词越多越难理解),还有句子的结构(句子长度,是否很多从句,从句之间的嵌套关系等等),段落长度,文章上下文意思等等。可以用一个Flesch Reading Ease系数来评估(Google Docs引入了这个评估,点击结果窗口的“?”可以跳去wiki)。

2.与1类似,还有一个Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level,与1很类似。不同的是1是分数越高越容易理解,2是分数越低越容易理解。页面上给出的例子是,就Flesch Reading Ease而言:
90.0–100.0        easily understandable by an average 11-year-old student
60.0–70.0        easily understandable by 13- to 15-year-old students
0.0–30.0        best understood by university graduates


作者: leciel95    时间: 31-5-2010 19:54
个人感觉小词堆积后的嵌套是比较难把握意思的。而相对的长词只要抓住词根基本 就算长的不认识也能猜了。

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