Begin reading to children as soon as possible.The younger you start them, the easier and better it is.
Begin with simple black-and-white illustrations at first, and then boldly colored picture books to arouse children’s curiosity and visual sense.
With infants through toddlers, it is critically important to include in your readings those books that contain repetitions; as they mature, add predictable and rhyming books.
During repeat readings of a predictable book, occasionally stop at one of the key words or phrases and allow the listener to provide the word.
Read as often as you and the child (or students) have time for.
Set aside at least one traditional time each day for a story.
Remember: The art of listening is an acquired one. It must be taught and cultivated gradually—it doesn’t happen overnight.
Start with picture books, with only a few sentences on the page, then gradually move to books with more and more text, fewer pictures, and build to chapter books and novels.
Vary the length and subject matter of your readings, fiction and nonfiction.
To encourage involvement, invite the child to turn pages for you when it is time.
Before you begin to read, always say the name of the book, the author, and illustrator—no matter how many times you have read the book.
The first time you read a book, discuss the illustration on the cover. “What do you think this is going to be about?”
As you read, keep listeners involved by occasionally asking, “What do you think is going to happen next?”
Follow through with your reading. If you start a book, it is your responsibility to continue it—unless it turns out to be a bad book. Don’t leave the child or students hanging for three or four days between chapters and expect interest to be sustained.
Occasionally read above children’s intellectual levels and challenge their minds.
Picture books can be read easily to a family of children widely separated in age. Novels, however, pose a challenge. If there are more than two years (and thus social and emotional differences) between the children, each child would benefit greatly if you read to him or her individually. This requires more effort on the part of the parents, but it will reap rewards in direct proportion to the effort expended. You will reinforce the specialness of each child.
Avoid long descriptive passages until the child’s imagination and attention span are capable of handling them. There is nothing wrong with shortening or eliminating them. Prereading helps to locate such passages, and they can then be marked with pencil in the margin.
If the chapters are long or if you don’t have enough time each day to finish an entire chapter, find a suspenseful spot at which to stop. Leave the audience hanging; they’ll be counting the minutes until the next reading.
Allow your listeners a few minutes to settle down and adjust their feet and minds to the story. If it’s a novel, begin by asking what happened when you left off yesterday. Mood is an important factor in listening. An authoritarian “Now stop that and settle down! Sit up straight. Pay attention” doesn’t create a receptive atmosphere.