这边大弯让小弯,国内钱少的让钱多的作者: tanliyoung 时间: 20-3-2010 00:26
了解,谢谢,今天没分了作者: walter99 时间: 20-3-2010 00:41 标题: 回复 #3 mike888 的帖子 胆小的让不要命的作者: felix100 时间: 20-3-2010 03:03
日本车让路给奔驰宝马。作者: sailor601 时间: 20-3-2010 09:50
这种情况,大回的让小回.作者: armstrong_xie 时间: 20-3-2010 17:21
同等路况,即非丁字路,大家都没有give way, stop线,大小相同的路。大弯让小完,不过最好要和对方司机有目光交流,不行做个手势,以免万一大家等来等去容易出状况。作者: Espresso 时间: 20-3-2010 20:25
记住这2条澳洲开车基本原则,然后就更容易分析了作者: Richard.G 时间: 20-3-2010 20:52
"At intersections (except T-intersections or roundabouts) without traffic lights, signs or lines on the road
you must give way to any vehicle on your right
if you are turning right, you must also give way to oncoming vehicles going straight ahead or turning left (except if they are turning in a slip lane) as well as any vehicle on your right. "