Applicants who apply for RPL and do not hold a recognised academic tertiary qualification
will have deducted from their total work experience a period of relevant ICT professional
experience deemed necessary to have reached the level of qualification allocated. For
example, if an applicant is allocated a qualification level equivalent to a 2-year diploma,
they will have two years deducted from the total of their recognized work experience, and
therefore eight years in total will be needed.作者: 我的霍巴特 时间: 27-8-2009 16:16
6年。。。作者: 593yimin 时间: 28-8-2009 00:21
提示: 作者被禁止或删除, 无法发言
6年工作经验就可以通过评估。上面说的是指那些没有大学学历的,你有大学学历,所以有6年工作经验就ok了。顺便说一下,偶做过一个SAP RPL的,此人是学化工的,在sap china工作了7年。 他顺利通过了评估和移民申请,早已经登陆了。